Does this shirt make me look shorter?I like this shirt but it’s a bit long on me. Do you think it makes me look taller or shorter than 5’4? (2)
With or without the beardIs it better to have the beard with the trimmed neck or be clean shaven? (3)
What Norwood level is thisWhat Norwood level is this? Is it more or less than the average 31 year old? (3)
Is my hair growing backAfter six months on topical minoxidil and finasteride, does my hair look better or just longer? (1)
Strong to weak jawlineDid I used to have a strong jawline three years ago (first photo) and is it a weak one now? Is it possible to reverse this? (2)
How receded is this hairline?What Norwood level is this? Is this normal balding for a 31 year old? (2)