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About Me
About Me

“From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole, I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a tea pot. I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice but this is my dream. I'll decide were it goes from here!„

[code]After losing her beloved father, Alice is a melancholy 19-year-old who doesn't really fit in with her upper-class privileged Victorian lifestyle in a world of high society. She has no friends (aside possibly from her sister Margaret), is unmotivated and depressed. To much of her mother's concern, and despite her character flaws, Alice is mature, intelligent, a strong-willed girl who always speaks her mind, and has an independent personality which is frowned upon in young ladies of her time. She truly wants to make her own choices in life instead of having everything chosen for her, such as picking out her own husband and not being forced in an arranged and loveless marriage. After running away from an engagement garden party (planned by Lord and Lady Ascot) that goes terribly wrong, Alice falls down into the rabbit hole and is ultimately brought back to Wonderland (by McTwisp) to slay the Jabberwocky.[/code]

We are all mad

“Six impossible things. Count them, Alice! One: There's a potion that can make you shrink. Two: And a cake that can make you grow. Three: Animals can talk. Four: Cats can disappear. Five: There's a place called Wonderland. Six: I can slay the Jabberwocky! „

[code]Throughout the film Alice reunites with old unfamiliar friends such as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the Mad Hatter (re-named Tarrant Hightopp) and even comes across new individuals such the White Queen, (the younger and much more beautiful good sister of the Red Queen.) During her escapes, Alice insist that she is simply just trapped within her own mind again and everything around her is just another one of her bizarre and surreal recurring dreams or Nightmares (As she refereed to them as a little girl when her father was still alive.) Alice has had dreams of Wonderland since childhood so she believes her feelings of doubt that none of her surroundings actually exist are correct. Towards the end of her adventure in Wonderland, with Absolem's help, she slowly begins to realize and see that the dream and delusions she's experiencing are really repressed memories and that everything is in fact real. Alice finally remembers her first trip to Wonderland all those years ago. (which come to found out she incorrectly called as the land is actually named Underland.) Alice accepts that she was/is indeed the right girl who made a long lasting infamous impression on Wonderland and all it's illogical people and creatures who inhabit it.[/code]

" You've used me and abused me, but you will NOT destroy me!"


[code]Alice Liddell is the youngest daughter of Arthur Liddell and Mrs. Liddell, and the younger sister of Lizzie Liddell. Alice is the sole survivor of a house fire that killed her family and caused her to have immense trauma when she was a child, affecting her reality, as well as her imaginary world, Wonderland, and its citizens.

As Alice struggled with the fragments of her memories, post-traumatic stress disorder, and deteriorating mental health after a ten-year catatonic state in Rutledge Asylum, she returned to Wonderland to save it from the Queen of Hearts, killing the monsters inside her head.[/code]

I can't help Wonderland if I can't help myself!

[code]Alice regained enough sanity to leave Rutledge and Pris Witless helped Alice to get a room at the Houndsditch Home for Wayward Youth. Her psychiatrist and head of Houndsditch, Angus Bumby, helped Alice forget her traumatic memories using hypnotherapy. Unfortunately, Alice still suffered from poor mental health and returned to Wonderland to find the true cause of her family's death. After discovering that Bumby was the mastermind behind her family's death who also raped and molested Lizzie, she murdered him to avenge her family. With her reality fused with Wonderland, Cheshire Cat remarked that her memory was safe for the time being.

"I know I'm guilty of something, but punishment hardly ever suits the victims of a crime."

After leaving Houndsditch, Alice found a job at the London Royal Opera House as a theater worker.She also gained the ability to peer into the minds of others and explore their Otherlands.[/code]