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I Was Thinking About Something

I have always felt i was too skinny my whole life. I wanted to gain wait a few years ago and now its happening without me even trying. Im 5,3 at 121lbs. I was starting to feel better about the way i look since i dont feel i look too skinny. Then my sister says to me " you're getting fat".
This is the first time someone has EVER called me fat. Made me feel bad. i usually get " ew, shes so skinny, she looks sick, anorexic". Just goes to show, people are gonna talk about you no matter what. First i was TOO skinny and now im fat?...
Cutiepie1092 · 31-35, F
You just have to be happy with how you look. No matter what you do someone is going to comment on your apperance. I usually like to think cause they are either jelouse or have nothing better to do. But as long as your happy and healthy it doesn't matter what they have to say.
Cutiepie1092 · 31-35, F
@iamnikki: yeah that is so rude. And you should. If they can dish it out then they should take it. And who cares what size you wear, was she going to give you clothes, cause of not she has no business of even asking.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
@Cutiepie1092: thank u
Cutiepie1092 · 31-35, F
You're welcome
hlpflwthat · M
I think it's okay to fight fire with a lil fire occasionally. Especially in this instance, you gotta call total bullshit. It's part of carving your place at the 'adult table.' At 5'3" 121, you are about perfectly HWP. Smile. The best revenge is a life well-lived 😏
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Just be happy being you.
Kat511 · 31-35, F
Thats really sad! Just love yourself no matter what size you are and fuck what other people think.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
@Kat511: thanks
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Be yourself
Ynotisay · M
What might be the best call is to think about being healthy. Anything outside of that is what it is.

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