I Had Some Things Stolen From MeThis is why I trust no one. It's a pessimistic outlook but it works in preventing someone from stealing my stuff.
I Had Some Things Stolen From MeI had a $200.00 bike stolen from me when I was 10, I forgot if it was a birthday or christmas present. I remember being so upset that someone would take something that's not theirs. To this day, I don't understand why some people who steal don't get... See More »
I Had Some Things Stolen From MeI once had my camera stolen from my backpack in high school. I cried to my friend who was able to ask around and find the guy who did it. Turns out it was someone She used to be friends with but wasn't close with anymore. So she went over to his... See More »
I Had Some Things Stolen From MeSomeone stole my purse! I'm so angry! That had my credit cards in and everything! If they're found I'll make them sorry! Now mummy needs to try and fix this for me! Why would someone steal from me?