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I Am a Diabetic On An Insulin Pump

When I was little I had four injections a day. I did them myself once I started school. When I was 13 I had my first insulin pump. It gives me tiny bits of insulin every three minutes. And when I eat I test my blood glucose and tell my pump how many grams of carb and it calculates a dose of insulin and blu tooth’s the pump to give it. I just changed the line that goes from the pump to my body and the cannula which goes into my body.
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I have had - and lost - loved ones to diabetes. I actually took Metformin for about two years - and I am NOT saying this is possible for everyone - I radically changed my diet and started exercising more seriously...and my A1C has been between 4-5 for ten years now.

My late husband was diabetic even though he was lean and active - another of Agent Orange’s gifts - and what you describe sounds so much better.

I think part of diabetes’ stress is - yeah, it was okay four hours ago, but how is it NOW.

Your post made me happy. Life hands you lemons? Get an insulin pump!

Hopefully soon - a cure.

MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
I’m sorry that made me laugh in a reverent sort of way. It says who you are! @Mamapolo2016
You don’t have to be reverent - Tim was disciplined, but he was an irreverent cuss.

At his funeral, two young soldiers were sent for the flag-folding ceremony. Only they couldn’t do it. One short, but older, the other very tall but still sporting peach fuzz on his chin. With great solemnity it took them three tries - marching forward and folding, head shake from the older - marching backward and starting over. It was mesmerizing.

Afterward my daughter, Tim’s stepdaughter, who loved him very much, said, “I expected Tim to sit up in the casket and growl, “Give me the f’ing flag. I’ll fold it!”@MerchYMynydd
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
It’s so lovely. Thank you for sharing. @Mamapolo2016
Pfuzylogic · M
I found out I was type two a year ago. I inject 28 milliliter of insulin in the evening.
I am guessing you must use more.
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
I like coconut! @Pfuzylogic
Pfuzylogic · M
It has been a while for me. I had to find something hardened though so I could crack it open! One I fed I can’t describe the taste of the juice. It was so refreshing. 😊
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
I agree it is! @Pfuzylogic
Pherick · 41-45, M
I just recently started using one of the 14 day kits for blood sugar testing. Just hold my phone to the tab and it gives me a sugar reading. Its been amazing. I imagine a pump would be the same. So much easier than shooting up insulin constantly.
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
Yes I got one of those. What’s amazing is the graph it prints out for the last 8 hours. Like I found out some nights I’m hypo all night! And I wondered why I had been depressed! @Pherick
Pherick · 41-45, M
@MerchYMynydd Yea I love that it keeps 8 hours of data in it and that I can get full daily graphs. It is wild to see how blood sugar is affected by things in the long term, not just a few sticks from certain time points.
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
Exactly. Before I was testing about 12 times a day but they were snapshots. Now I know what’s going on between. And it really helps. It’s saved me from a few hypos. Because maybe it’s 5.6 which is normal but the flash says going down rapidly so I test and tell it I’m going to take lucozade and it lets me without insulin. If you understand! @Pherick
xixgun · M
Sorry. I can't help but say that that is pretty messed up.
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
Well it isn’t really. The progress in medicine even since I was three years old has been phenomenal. I can’t say my life is normal. But I don’t and won’t let diabetes stop me! @xixgun
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
Diabetes sucks! It runs quite heavily in my family, but so far, I've not been diagnosed with it. I applaud you for sharing just a small snippet of what you and others face.....I wish you well and I pray a cure happens soon.
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
Thank you so much. I loved your comment. I do get depressed by it but then I get depressed because I’ve been depressed. Fact is if I’d been born 100 years ago I wouldn’t have made it into my teens. @FORMERLYbatovn
I’m T2 and on metformin, but I have family members who are insulin dependent, one or two have pumps.
MerchYMynydd · 22-25, F
You have load of us! @bijouxbroussard

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