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I Want to Write a Letter

Dear “Friend”

You called to thank me for being there. Each time you had a panic attack, you expressed gratitude. You asked me not to speak of my boyfriend because you are so lonely.

You said you had pushed even all of your family away. Your favorite one daughter had decided to stop talking to you. I was the only one.

You admitted you needed to change: to Stop drinking, to stop being so arrogant, greedy and other types of sins.

But secretly you have been hoping my relationship with my SO would someday fall apart if that you could somehow steal me away from him by creating some type of emotional attachment to yourself.

You are blind however to the fact that I am truly happy and that I love and feel love my my boyfriend. Blind to the fact that I can love others and not have romantic feelings — not enough to make me leave my SO.

In fact I am so happy I don’t share my happiness with you out of pity and concern. I do f like making others feel envious or bad in case they are unhappy. And I already know your dating habits - your negative and sassy- ways.

I’ve told you I’m happy. I can only be your friend. You said that’s impossible.

If a woman has only one value to you, then yes, friendship is impossible. I feel bad. I’m the last person you think cared about you. I do care about you. But I am in love, and I will not leave him for you. Not even if you won the biggest lottery in the world. I would not leave him for you. You are misguided to think I would.

I wish you could focus on how to love another person not only with actions but with words. Not only with words but also actions. I wish you knew how to seek a woman based on her heart not her charisma or external beauty. Attraction is important but will only inspire possession not love if that’s all anyone possesses -external beauty.

You have to be or become the person you desire. Beautiful on the inside as much or more than the outside. Self respect, standards, know yourself, conquer yourself. So much more...

I’m upset that you can’t accept kindness and love without thinking you have to “own” me as your partner. I don’t mind being your friend. But if you think I’m in love with you, or will someday fall in love and that you won’t talk to me because So the. I’ll suddenly realize I’m in love with you, you are wrong. I love as a friend but someone else already has all of me. And I can do is say, goodbye. I know you’re feeling suicidal. But that will not change my mind. And I Think it’s foolish that you can’t accept a friendship — one that my partner allows! Because that’s how much my SO knows me and knows my profound ability sincerity to love.

I wish you well. I understand you are conflicted. But no, I won’t reach out to you anymore because you misunderstand or misplaced hope. And I don’t want to mislead you either.

If you need me, to be reminded that the world isn’t that bad, the ,. I’m here. But I’m not leaving anyone for you. May you find the strength to grow and the strength to take risks and meet others..I wish you well.
And today i found out—you didn’t want a friend— all you wanted was a chance to steal me from the love of my life. Why would I want a thief in my life? You don’t know how amazing he is because you don’t want to hear just how happy he makes me. I thought you were suffering and I don’t want to make you feel upset by comparison with my happiness and my joy. Guess what? He’s the most positive person I know.
4meAndyou · F
Just be sure to notify someone that your former friend is feeling suicidal. Users and losers tend to manipulate others with this sort of "suck you into their black hole" pity party.

Don't change your mind.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Yes. He’s a survivor. So I am hoping he is well. He isn’t an online friend. Thank you for your concern. He has a daughter, but I don’t have her number. He claims that he will return to his hometown if need be. If he was THAT desperate he would accept my friendship. It’s hard to believe an old friend would use this type of drama to reel me in. But he is always bragging about know just what buttons he can push to get people to do whatever they want and in the next breath say, I don’t want to break up your relationship. Has my high Scholl friend really become THAT kind of guy ...the charming kind that I despise? So sad. So sad. It makes him even less attractive.@4meAndyou hmmm thanks for that reminder. I can only hope he wasn’t lying... and that I really did help him thru a difficult few weeks.
4meAndyou · F
@Mindful That's the definition of a toxic narcissist.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Thank you. Toxic and he knows it. I will not feel guilty. I do blame the alcohol. I hope he is able to join AA, but he is too prideful thus far.@4meAndyou

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