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I Practice Reiki

Born A Healer... I was born a healer. Also, I'm apparently very sensitive to EMFs and I can actually sense them. This is ironic because of the field I went into, no pun intended. I like power electronics now--especially of those that generate these huge fields.

I have always been able to see auras too. I never had any training, yet I still can heal. I wonder how much better I could be if I got to Level IV. 

I also have a theory to behind why it works, besides the powerful placebo effect. If you'd like me to post a comment, tell me.
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I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say about how everything works! Your comment about the placebo effect is very interesting as well. Here's a crazy question for you....any thoughts on how fractals, merkabas and EMFs go together? Thanks for sharing! Namaste...Howard
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Well, I have no idea what the correlation between the three are. I'm not religious. However, my theory to how everything works ties into the idea that everything has an electromagnetic resonance. I'm a string theorist. Each of these "strings," when "plucked" have a particular resonant energy. These can also be stimulated. Now, if we think of a radio. A radio is able to pick up a particular signal at a particular frequency out of the jumble of static that lies in the R-F range. It uses an antenna (coupled with a circuit) that is tuned for that particular frequency. You can be a part of the antenna by touching the conductive part of it. Now here's my theory. The reiki energy are at the very low frequency of the spectrum. Each of these frequencies we can receive correspond to the resonant frequencies of our bodies. If out bodies are out of resonance, we can stimulate it back into resonance by channeling the energy via an antenna receiver, say, a healer. By practice, they'd fine tune the "receiving circuit" part of their "system." This means that everyone has the potential to be healers (the antenna can easily be made), but it takes practice to be effective healers (fine tuning the circuit). Some are born close to fine tuned (you just happened to have it right the first time). This antenna receives the energy from the surroundings at a particular frequency, and can channel it. Then, this energy can "pluck" the strings (if you don't know string theory, it basically is a debated view on quantum physics that states that there are EXTREMELY tiny vibrating particles of energy known as strings. If you scaled an atom to the full size of the solar system, one string would be the size of a person on earth. Each of these strings will respond to a particular "pluck," and like a violin string, will "play a different note," that is, have different properties, for the different plucking qualities.) back into their resonant frequencies (because that's how resonance works), meaning that the body would be back in order. And if one calls this thought as insane, and a placebo, then let's analyze what the effect does. Placebo effect uses the brain's immense power to cause one to heal itself even though no stimuli is present to assist it to be healed. This "healing of one's self" property directly ties into the thought of reiki healing. Therefore, either way one looks at it, it still is a useful thing to practice.
WOW...What a great response! a Japanese word for universal energy. The Reiki teachings that I have been witness to, don't speak about specific frequencies...but we do know that everything has a frequency. The earth has a frequency...we refer to it as the Shumann Resonance. The school of Reiki that I was attuned under tries and directs/channels Reiki/universal energy for "the highest good". You are very tuned in the what is going on...there is much, much more out there. I feel you are going to have an incredible life/journey. You are already amazing...if you don't mind I would like to add you to my circle...I will also go and read some of your other stories. I'm not religious either :) Thank you for sharing...all healing comes from within. Reiki is a facilitator, the healer is a channel, we have to believe.....something you said. Namaste

TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Thanks. I always like to put my heart in a response. Someone has to take the responsibility and formulate a proper response to posts and comments. The Shumann Resonance reminds me of a theoretical experiment that Nikola Tesla came up with. He said that if he had an oscillator that was connected to a large rod that was impaled in the earth, he could split the earth in half just by hitting it's resonant frequency. What he did do, though, is attach it to a large pole in his house, and create mini earthquakes in his town, through resonant frequencies. And yes, everything does have a resonant frequency. This is scientifically proven. And thank you. I'm interested in Electrical Engineering and power electronics. I love Tesla Coils (as my name suggests). It's ironic because they produce enormous magnetic fields, and during a small period of time I went to a healer, she said I was extremely sensitive to them, and they messed up my own. If you are able to, you can add me to your circles. If not, you can add me to the G+ circles. I'm TeslaGirl Zapper.

Also, to add to what I was saying before, this is why we can heal ourselves while healing others, as well as distant heal. This is because the energy does resonate through us, and to get the other to resonate, we have to be resonant. This is why reiki-healers are such masters of such energies, and always seemingly healed, as they are always resonant. As far as distant energies go, we can use the analogy of internet receiving. We can compare a receiver of energy as the modem, getting the "internet" signal in the first place. Then they send this energy, or route it (like a router routes the internet connection to the devices on the network), as transmitters, to receivers of the energy (the devices). This allows one to heal themselves, transmit long distance, and heal the others, all at the same time. Of course, this energy would be ambient static for anything else that tries to detect this energy, just like how the Big Bang's energy can be seen through microwave/radio wave radiation as TV or radio static.

I believe that if I'm to make a claim, I need to have justification. I've provided much justification here. Until someone proves it wrong, I'm going to continue believing in this, as I at least have a theory.
It is quite possible that you are Tesla, reincarnated. Or at least you bring with you some of the same energy that he resonated with. You are going to become an incredible engineer!

Some would say that frequency is all there this place it is slowed down to the speed of solidness. I monitor the foods I eat based on frequency....and acidity. Keep in mind, when it comes to this place...there are rules and guidelines specific to this environment. "The shoe has to fit", as it were. Polarity is part of this domain...too much energy and we burn up/out...not enough energy and we stall out. This is true with all above, so below. Each level comes with a rule book.

Each organ in the body also has a specific does herbs, medicines, get the idea. Not all Reiki Masters are healthy....there is more for us all to know/learn/balance.

Until later....take care! Howard
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Heh, if I was, that would be very awesome. I do write poetry, and at least one one of my parents were religious, like Tesla's were. And thank you :D I love engineering!

Yes, it makes perfect sense. Once again, it all boils down to string theory, and how the frequency of the "plucked" string determines the quality of the string. Out of curiosity, how do you know the frequency of foods? I mean, I know there are special devices to measure the resonant frequencies of materials, but they cost several hundred thousand dollars. And yes, I'm familiar with the chakras and their frequencies. I also am familiar with binaural beats. I especially love pure tone binarual beats. I'm listening to one now. It says 7hz, but that's below hearing range. Sounds more like 50 and 70hz tones. Dissonant, but if I hum harmonic notes, an interesting effect happens. Sort of choir effect.
Honestly..."I" don't measure the frequency of my food...there are lists on line that you can retrieve. I use to consciously go outside of my self for healing...and most of my information. Now, my healing consciously comes from within....I would say to someone at level that there seems, to me, to be an internal harmonics that facilitates healing, low stress and comfort. Right now you are like a sponge, your taking in as much information that you can get in the areas of your interest...later you will be looking at how to use this information. When that time comes, I would say to you to, remember that everything is connected...if you can't find an answer to a problem or a solution is evading it in another discipline...some say everything is math. Illnesses even have a frequency and as you know, frequencies are math. My point is everything is connected. What do you see yourself doing with your knowledge, at some point? What do you feel your purpose here is? It is okay if you don't know. H
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Ah, that's interesting! I eat food because it tastes good. But I can see why someone would be selective based on its frequency. After trying to practice reiki somewhat when I was young, I became far more tolerant, even at the small amount I did. I have procrastination and stress nowadays, so I find it hard to practice.

If you take me like a sponge, I'm like a dripping wet sponge, that can still hold more water. I still enjoy formulating theses like the one above, and I absorb information. Formulating theses helps me strengthen what I already know, and to draw conclusions. Theoretical physics comes rather easy for me, and I'm able to process it and draw conclusions.

Also, yes, I believe that everything is math. As I call it, it's "the best symphony of any sound you will have ever heard if you were able to listen to math." And since it can be translated to frequencies and energies, and frequencies to sound, I think that it's theoretically possible to do this.

In the future, I want to be an electrical engineer, but my hobby would be to collaborate with other physicists and pseudoscientists to try and reach a conclusion. I feel my purpose on earth is simple: make the world a slightly better place. I want to invent or discover something before my time comes. Whether or not I win a prize, I don't care, I just want to change the world. Then my heart will be content. I think, that as a prize, the best thing anyone could ever offer me is to immortalize my name by making it into a unit of measure. One day, it might be deprecated, but it would still be known.
You have already made the world a better place! In Reiki we say that energy follows thought. Your thoughts to make the world a better place has already affected the outcome... :) How cool is that! "...try and reach a conclusion", you stated. What resonates with me, is that we decide the conclusion. There are infinite conclusions on infinite levels. You have literally came here to be a create what ever you can imagine.....does this remind you of something...the placebo affect, maybe. The life you live is simply based on what you believe. If you believe the little green pill will make you feel better...take two and call me in the morning. Your only limitation will be your imagination.

EVERY physical manifestation....starts with a thought. To think about energy at the quantum to perceive that anything is possible. Practical and valuable, in this place may be another matter.

To talk with the depth that you do at this point in your life....before long they will be throwing awards at you! Study hard...have fun...dream big dreams!

Always great hearing what you have to say! Howard