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I Practice Reiki

Born A Healer... I was born a healer. Also, I'm apparently very sensitive to EMFs and I can actually sense them. This is ironic because of the field I went into, no pun intended. I like power electronics now--especially of those that generate these huge fields.

I have always been able to see auras too. I never had any training, yet I still can heal. I wonder how much better I could be if I got to Level IV. 

I also have a theory to behind why it works, besides the powerful placebo effect. If you'd like me to post a comment, tell me.
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I approached energy work from the direction of the martial arts. That said, I was steeped in it from a young age, and internalized it rather well.

My chosen area of study was manufacturing. I don't pick up on electric fields quite the way you do, but I can sometimes tell which winding in a motor is shorted from fielding it. More often, however, I'm able to touch metal pieces and locate fractures or, in castings, voids.

My mother was able to fix machines practically through a laying of hands. I'm more limited in simply being able to diagnose them through similar means.

How do you see auras? Until recently, I experienced them entirely as textures and flavors, confusing the heck out of my peers by describing things as "rough and sour". Lately I see it as filaments and the diffraction around those filaments. I still see no color, only being able to ascribe color based on translating the textures and flavors I'm more familiar with.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Oh and my teacher treated it more like a sport, unfortunately. My brother actually got trained by Grand Master Lee himself >.>
The meanings of colors are, interestingly enough, fairly consistant between West and East. Blue is ascribed as a 'heavenly' or 'divine' energy consistantly.

Yellow and red seem to be switched between Western and Chinese understanding. In the west, red is earthly and yellow is joyful energy. One teacher of mine was insistant that it was cultural. As we all realize that God formed us from clay, we look down to see what color the clay is. The seat of civilization in China was on a river well known for its yellow clay.

That said, I'm curious about how impacted the perception of energy.

Too many people stop learning at some point and cease to be amazed. The only way to maintain a sense of wonder in the world is to either learn or re-learn, and be amazed by what you find. If you never look beyond your routine, you never learn, and you never forget to re-learn. At that point you might as well be dead, for how dreary the world must be.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
That is why I never stop learning!
Sorry my phone wouldn't save my reply (it happens often). I totally agree with you on every point. You are incredibly clear-sighted and perceptive, especially for someone so young. I wonder if the scientific and the religious communities are interested in reaching a compromise though...
They tend to distort/turn a blind eye on several facts, especially skeptics, and never hesitate to use sophisms... I have been analysing dreams that clearly show this issue. Many brilliant physicists have been stigmatized by the establishment for daring to seek the integration between science and spirit... Are you familiar with Brian Josephson's project? And may I add you as a friend? :)
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Sometimes, the most influential discoveries come from the most taboo and stigmatized topics. Science has, one by one, knocked out religious theories. However, I feel some will stay, and at that point, a compromise will be reached. Unfortunately, people nowadays hate their ideas being challenged. They'll lie to make themselves sound like the superior and more knowledgeable one. In the words of Adam Savage, "They reject reality and substitute their own." In a world filled with stigma of deviance, they don't want to even hear a new theory. The unfortunate rejection of uniqueness and difference makes me lose faith in humanity.

I haven't heard of the project, but I'll do a little research and get back to you. And sure, you can add me as a friend. IDK if EP will let you, so if you're not able to, add me on G+ as TeslaGirl Zapper.
I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say about how everything works! Your comment about the placebo effect is very interesting as well. Here's a crazy question for you....any thoughts on how fractals, merkabas and EMFs go together? Thanks for sharing! Namaste...Howard
Honestly..."I" don't measure the frequency of my food...there are lists on line that you can retrieve. I use to consciously go outside of my self for healing...and most of my information. Now, my healing consciously comes from within....I would say to someone at level that there seems, to me, to be an internal harmonics that facilitates healing, low stress and comfort. Right now you are like a sponge, your taking in as much information that you can get in the areas of your interest...later you will be looking at how to use this information. When that time comes, I would say to you to, remember that everything is connected...if you can't find an answer to a problem or a solution is evading it in another discipline...some say everything is math. Illnesses even have a frequency and as you know, frequencies are math. My point is everything is connected. What do you see yourself doing with your knowledge, at some point? What do you feel your purpose here is? It is okay if you don't know. H
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Ah, that's interesting! I eat food because it tastes good. But I can see why someone would be selective based on its frequency. After trying to practice reiki somewhat when I was young, I became far more tolerant, even at the small amount I did. I have procrastination and stress nowadays, so I find it hard to practice.

If you take me like a sponge, I'm like a dripping wet sponge, that can still hold more water. I still enjoy formulating theses like the one above, and I absorb information. Formulating theses helps me strengthen what I already know, and to draw conclusions. Theoretical physics comes rather easy for me, and I'm able to process it and draw conclusions.

Also, yes, I believe that everything is math. As I call it, it's "the best symphony of any sound you will have ever heard if you were able to listen to math." And since it can be translated to frequencies and energies, and frequencies to sound, I think that it's theoretically possible to do this.

In the future, I want to be an electrical engineer, but my hobby would be to collaborate with other physicists and pseudoscientists to try and reach a conclusion. I feel my purpose on earth is simple: make the world a slightly better place. I want to invent or discover something before my time comes. Whether or not I win a prize, I don't care, I just want to change the world. Then my heart will be content. I think, that as a prize, the best thing anyone could ever offer me is to immortalize my name by making it into a unit of measure. One day, it might be deprecated, but it would still be known.
You have already made the world a better place! In Reiki we say that energy follows thought. Your thoughts to make the world a better place has already affected the outcome... :) How cool is that! "...try and reach a conclusion", you stated. What resonates with me, is that we decide the conclusion. There are infinite conclusions on infinite levels. You have literally came here to be a create what ever you can imagine.....does this remind you of something...the placebo affect, maybe. The life you live is simply based on what you believe. If you believe the little green pill will make you feel better...take two and call me in the morning. Your only limitation will be your imagination.

EVERY physical manifestation....starts with a thought. To think about energy at the quantum to perceive that anything is possible. Practical and valuable, in this place may be another matter.

To talk with the depth that you do at this point in your life....before long they will be throwing awards at you! Study hard...have fun...dream big dreams!

Always great hearing what you have to say! Howard
please cure me
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
I no longer believe in this bullshit.
Nelladell · 80-89, F
@TetrisGuy Wow. Quite a journey you have been on.
Your reply to @hhansen's comment would be fantastic if you were three times older, at your age it is simply extraordinary. I believe strings and archetypes refer to the same pre-quantic, fundamental level of the universal energy.
As you use the word soul....I would reply...than there is only one soul. H
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
As I understand it, isn't that a Hinduistic belief? That all is one? Correct me if I'm wrong, I have a D in AP World History.
I would say that a lot of religions believe that there is only one God/Mind/Source/etc...the same thing that I would call one soul. The problem comes in when each one believes that they are the truth....I would say that if you put them all together...that is the truth. As you reflect on the string theory...does it resonate with you that, as small as these waves are...can they be separated? And as the physicist views his quantum experiment...only to find out that his "watching" affects the out can there be a separation of anything from anything else. It really isn't about religion....unless you want it to be. We all come here with a purpose....can you give me some detail about your thoughts on the placebo effect? Thanks! H

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