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I Think This Is Gross

I've been thinking recently about how much time we actually spend, wafting around in other people's guff (fart) stench..

The weekend really highlighted this (as do most supermarket shopping trips) but at two points this weekend, I was engulfed in stench.

Firstly my 2 year old nephew (whilst the wedding party were doing their speeches) was sat on my lap and I was trying to keep him quiet whilst they were talking..

Before I knew it I felt a mini rumble on my lap. I whispered to my nephew, did you just fart, to which he giggled profusely. 5 minutes later another little rumble and he's pumped another little stinker out. At this point I whisper to him, you smell like poo and, in the middle of the speech, he yells "hahha I smell like poo" ..bless his stinky little butt..

Later on in the evening, there was (as these parties usually go) a disco.. Me and the missus were on the dance floor for most of the evening, as was, what I now call.. The Mystery Stechdropper. No lie, every 2.5 minutes, a stench arose on the dance floor which scared children and less braver men and women away, crying and weeping..

It made me think just how much we are milling around in people's methane.. We are pretty naturally gross as people and there's nothing any of us can do about it.. I know tomorrow, I'll probably get trapped in another's fart cloud somewhere and I know that I will probably trap someone in mine one day too 馃弮馃徏馃挩
KandiGhostcat22-25, F
And now we all know why we should shower everyday/night. Cause we'll get stinky again even if we don't get anything on us. There's still many smelly things flying around, like fossil fuels and cigarette smoke.
@KandiGhostcat I religiously shower twice a day. Three times if it's super hot around 馃槍
Gangstress41-45, F
Lmfao. Arse
@Gangstress hehe arses fart 馃檴馃檴
SW-User they were trying to save your life lmao. It was a real pisser reading this 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
@SW-User oh epic, I'm gonna have to check this out later 馃榿
CheshireCatalyst36-40, M
While disco-ing did you studiously ignore the clouds, just in case you were tarred with the 'whoever smelt it, dealt it' brush?
@CheshireCatalyst naturally, yes.. 馃槼 Plus it was a bit loud, so I couldn't risk moving too close to anyone to tell them. For all I know, they were the mystery stenchdropper, trying to lure me closer, for a better whiff at their brand 馃槖
Degbeme70-79, M
Yet the blame cows for ruining the ozone layer because of their farts. There are a lot more humans in the world.
@Degbeme tell me about it! And no one even questions us !!
Try handling your own while detoxing lol. That's what I'm going through now lol
@SW-User oh dear god 馃樂 Run awayyyyy surrounding people.. Run awayyyyyyy

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