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I Saw My Ex The Other Day

Like, today. And basically almost every day.
We're on good terms, but being around him more than a few hours has me rolling my eyes in the back of my head as far as they will go. I end up just running through all the reasons why I decided to end it after 8 years, an engagement, and a baby.

He's a good person, just a terrible partner.
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BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
My parents were like that. Terrible marriage but amazing friends. I could never be friends with my exes not like there has been many. But too much resentment.
littlemoxxie · 31-35, F
8 years, as I stated. He's my bestie, but he's also a dick.
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Hehe. I know plenty of people like that.
mathsman · 70-79, M
Are you looking elsewhere for something?
littlemoxxie · 31-35, F
@mathsman: may never happen man.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I have read some...I go back and read others but I,dont think it will change my opinion.
mathsman · 70-79, M
@littlemoxxie: so, shall I read all your posts?
HeyNow · 46-50, M
Funny how people never (or very very rarely) ever change.
littlemoxxie · 31-35, F
He's much better in some ways (we never fight anymore) and worse in others (things I disliked about him he now has an insane amount of justification in)
Pfuzylogic · M
Keep the confidence in your decision.
sandy055 · 36-40, M
That's a long time... Too many emtoions involved
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littlemoxxie · 31-35, F
Where in this post did I allude to him being a deadbeat dad?
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littlemoxxie · 31-35, F
@updown2020: he's a great dad.
tatersmcgrumpy · 70-79, M
you keep rolling them eyes you just might find your brain
littlemoxxie · 31-35, F
That is solid advice, sir.
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xters10 · 26-30, F
Aww sucks

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