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I Respect The People Who Deserve To Be Respected

I think the opinions of the 13-15 age group are as valid as those of any other group. Many of the posts made by the youngest members here are amongst the most interesting that I have read. They are also frequently amongst the most mature, albeit often with a certain intellectual naivety, which I tend to find refreshing.
The replies they get are usually dismissive and disrespectful, I would have expected that those who have greater life experience would be more supportive. The accumulated knowledge of those of us who have lived longer may be greater but IQ tends to be much higher when we are younger.
If a person is wrong, educate them don't belittle them. That should apply go anyone regardless of their age.
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Spaceman · 56-60, M
If the opinions of a thirteen year old are the most mature you have heard. You need new friends.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
@Fernie the premise you have quoted was part of the original postulation, so if you think it's getting weird you must have thought it was weird to start with, to be honest I would agree that the weirdness and general creepiness of the discussion does seem to be increasing. If that is due to the original wording of my post then I apologise but I think it more due to the inference that anyone who makes reference to a minor must be a paedophile.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
@Tuscan most of the members who claim to be teenagers on this site are in fact adults acting as click bait. Don't accept everything at face value.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
I am sure that a very large percentage of members are in fact neither the age, gender nor species they claim to be. I still think that replies to their posts should be made as if they were
alan20 · M
I very much agree. I hate people patronising or talking down to the young. Are they too embittered to remember how they felt at that age?
Fernie · F
@alan20 my, my...aren't you a good role model...hating people for a reason like that....calling people senile because they get annoyed sometimes at rude kids who talk to you....someone decades older than if you're a moron. Good job
alan20 · M
@Fernie Don't hate the people, Fernie, but the patronising that some people do. There is a difference. And rudeness is much more likely to come from older people than from the young.
Fernie · F
@alan20 hate...that's the word you used...hate
TheOldBones73 · 31-35, F
Sad to see bitter people trying to dull other people's shine just because they lost their own.
TheOldBones73 · 31-35, F
@Fernie I doubt it. I took your words and their meaning the way you presented them. You actually tried to insult me by referencing my age and everything, don't even insinuate I'm twisting your words, you just didn't expect me to be able to stand up for myself.
Fernie · F
@TheOldBones73 took that right out into the cosmos...this is exactly what I'm talking claim to know me better than I do. My truth means nothing to have to be right. So damn tedious. Ten people can say the exact same thing for ten different reasons...but, since you have very little life can't process that yet. So tedious. I'm done dealing with you kid. Like talking to a box of rocks. I won't be reading anymore of your silliness so don't bother.
TheOldBones73 · 31-35, F
I think I'm capable of coming to some pretty solid conclusions of you based off of your behavior, just because your in denial about your own short comings and refuse to accept responsibility for them doesn't make me less intelligent, the same way your age doesn't guarantee you can intimidate and bully somebody half your age on the internet. See ya later bye :)
deenaljc · F
I agree! I'm 21 and many older people talk to me as though I'm thick, because I "lack experience". Yet I believe I have a wealth of knowledge, and have had many experiences in my life which shape the views I have today.
I'm the first person in my family to gain a set of GCSE's, A-levels, and to study a degree at University (whilst suffering with mental health issues), yet some people dismiss my opinions completely and belittle me because of my age...
If I don't understand something I research into it. I would prefer people to assist in my understanding rather than put me down!
alan20 · M
@deenaljc There are many things the young have that many older and embittered people have lost; such as a sense of idealism, freshness as opposed to a jaundiced view of life. Experience can be bad as well as good; it needs to be accompanied by understanding and love. So very good luck.
deenaljc · F
Many older people that I have come across are very static and set in their ways. Their thinking styles are quite maladaptive in what is now a modern and diverse world. Thank you, that's very kind of you 😊@alan20
alan20 · M
@deenaljc Very well put!
Fernie · F
If I ran things no one under 30 would be allowed in
Fernie · F
@Humanist321 it's basically the 18-21 year olds posting the most annoying things imo...everything makes them suicidal
Great way to make your case, call someone's point of view 'ridiculous' are you sure you're not 13 yourself? @Fernie
Fernie · F
@Chrisy1 of course you're going to say all that rude stuff to a annoying teenager. Thank you for proving my point
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
When old dudes pay too much attention to them it's troubling.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
@StevetheSleeve not sure of your point here. Are you saying its troubling when old dudes pay too much attention to the opinions of younger people or when they pay too much attention to the people themselves. Or are you simply trying to imply that any older person who takes an interest in their grand children's generation must be a pedophile.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Tuscan What I'm saying is that on here there are a lot of old guys perving on young girls, some obviously in the age range you describe. I'm sure all old guys don't have sexual intentions when communicating with young girls, but a lot of them do and it is troubling.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
@StevetheSleeve I totally agree with that. I think a lot of people would feel more comfortable here if adults could not initiate private messages with minors. If a minor wanted to message an adult, perhaps to ask advice about something I think I would be okay with that.
Shayama · F
May i invite you to take the 25questions challenge on my featured post

Let me guess. You believe in corporal punishment and seem way too interested in 13-15 year olds. Another creep.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
@SW-User in actual fact I don't think corporal punishment is either effective or anything other than abusive. I am not so much interested in 13-15 group as in the way the other age groups react to them.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
Iq doesn't Decrease as you get older
Tuscan · 70-79, M
I believe it is more a measure of speed of problem solving than ability. but I totally agree it has absolutely nothing to do with maturity or usefulness. I am not going to post any live links in here but perhaps a visit to the MENSA website would provide the relevant information.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
It's also weighted for age up to adulthood I believe so you can't compare different age groups to each other in any relevant way.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
@Mikemcneil yes I am sure that is the main reason that IQ is highest for an individual around the onset of puberty. That and certain pattern recognition abilities which drop off once we have learnt to communicate in our first language. My own IQ usually measures from 149 to 156 whenever I take an IQ test which I only do because I quite enjoy them. I am not sure it actually proves anything at all other than perhaps showing that I probably complete crossword puzzles faster than some people.
cdCalandraBelle · 46-50, T
a piece is .. certain leveled genrations begin repeating their generations before behaviour .. which includes .. suppressing and oppressing the next generations .. (not everyone, but a vast majority, becoz sets of humanz have thiz weird natural rubbish habit n tendancy .. and do so without self control consciousness) ..
xSharp · 31-35, M
schools teach kids the stupidest things these days. they only offer one side of the story, they are trying to suppress the young's natural inclination to ask questions by giving them the answers that those who decide what they should learn about want the kids to regurgitate when asked by anyone else.
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Spaceman oh hell's no lol i have made clear my stance on religion.

im talking about learning about the holocaust every year while nobody has ever heard of the holodomar despite it happening at the same time and being twice as bad, and oh yeah it was carried out by our communist allies at the time..

but good that your on guard :) 👍
Tuscan · 70-79, M
@xSharp Wasn't this always the case ?
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Tuscan yes, pretty much just forced indoctrination using propaganda.

but to be fair religious parents do the same thing. its fighting fire with fire but with no positive end result on either side,

they should train people to think rationally and for themselves, education is a personal responsibility after all, but thinking for ones self is the last thing the powers that be want to happen.. lol

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