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I Have Morals And Values That Are Important To Me

I think we all had our "rebellious" fase during or after our teens. Some people become real monsters for everyone around them, while others are hardlly noticeable. I went through mine many years ago and before then I use to be so shy and timid that people will literally ask me to be brave and defend myself whenever I was being bullied. Then came "THE FASE", I just had a lot of shit I had been putting up with and they all kinda bubbled up. I kept thinking, keep it in, keep it in, but it gat to a point where I could anymore, and I would just explode at little things. My..."rages" were so bad that afterwords I would literally need to take some breaths to help calm down. To be honest I enjoyed it, I mean I was finally able defend myself and say something back when ever tried to put me down. I was happy at first because I could finally show everyone else that I was strong too.It was hard growing up surrounded by people who seemed better, more confident, stronger than you. Then, like a year later, I realized that it was just not worth it, the struggle and anguish I went through mentally during these fase and even after, were just not worth it. So from there on I stayed away from trouble and even if somehow I end up in one, I never allowed myself to go back to the type of rage I use to have, I don't even think I can anymore. But there are a few things I just can't ignore no matter how hard I try; like when someone blames me for something I didn't do because they misinterpreted the situation, being around people who for some reason likes to put others down, I can't be around these type people for too long, I just don't understand why be so mean, if you don't like someone it's easier to ignore them than to go out of your way to make them suffer.
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A very honest to heart post. Keep being true to your conscience (your inner voice that tells you right from wrong). Never let it die...

Life is a constant struggle and we all have gone through a similar awakening of our spirit and the light and stay on the right path. 👍💙
Leo problems :)
I'm still rebellious.
@jrcervin :) you have the cutest personality .
jrcervin · 26-30, M
@SW-User Oh I am a mess, mommy says so XD
@jrcervin Mine said I was a no good bastard and a son of a bitch.
They're WRONG.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I know the feeling. It leaves you feeling dirty after a short high.

We need to practice balance.

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