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Bri89 · 31-35, M
Thank you. Hopefully, the weather will be nice enough for people to do cookouts. Right now it is only 43 degrees.
0Matthew0 · M
Same for you.

You too
Elevatorpitches · F
what are we supposed to remember?
twiigss · M
@Elevatorpitches You tell me. Can't a person just comment to have a good holiday??? Wow.
Elevatorpitches · F
@Elevatorpitches I remember its another day off for people with those kinds of jobs. so they celebrate, I guess.
Traditionally it was to honor the war dead, now we just celebrate war and the deaths they cause as long as they arent ours.
and we pity ourselves for how hard life is and suck up to illegal wars and their perpetrators every day and minute, like they are effing heroes.
nope, instead they got a military job and crowed at the big paycheck and dressed in uniform at restaurants and shopping malls to impress everyone with camoflauge and bravado and phony machismo and the silly defunt ritual of being winners in some deadly physical contest when no one knows why people get used this way to begin with. I have no enemy except people who think death mongering is a good way to be civilized. And GODLY
Traditionally it was to honor the war dead, now we just celebrate war and the deaths they cause as long as they arent ours.
and we pity ourselves for how hard life is and suck up to illegal wars and their perpetrators every day and minute, like they are effing heroes.
nope, instead they got a military job and crowed at the big paycheck and dressed in uniform at restaurants and shopping malls to impress everyone with camoflauge and bravado and phony machismo and the silly defunt ritual of being winners in some deadly physical contest when no one knows why people get used this way to begin with. I have no enemy except people who think death mongering is a good way to be civilized. And GODLY