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I Live In Denver

I heard some louder than normal voices - and it continued for a bit - so I muted the TV. I was watching an old space movie - like a Buck Roger's type of old movie. I forget the title.
Anyway I heard some really serious talking, so I went and looked out of my sliding glass door - which leads to my back porch.
Well - quite the scene greeted me!
I saw AT LEAST 8 cops milling around and another 3 cops all decked out in SWAT gear, with their M16s or whatever strapped to the front of their suits!
These were some really serious looking guns! They had like every attachment they could think of on there.
So - I had seen this same place have police visit them quite a few times recently. About a month ago - I saw 4 cars all stopped here, and one of the officers took this black bar out of the back of the police SUV - and it was a battering ram! I wasn't sure if he was putting it BACK, or taking it OUT - but he was fooling around with it, that's for certain!

Anyway - so they apparently have been looking for this guy for awhile - it makes me sad because I SORT of know the guy. I don't know him by name or anything, but like many neighbor's - I have his face memorized, and we share a friendly "Hello" and sometimes a quick chat about the local happenings here at the apartment complex.
So they came looking for this guy. The guy that I chat with every once in a while - I also had noticed he parked right next to me - we have assigned spots. My neighbor is blind though, so he doesn't drive - and this guy would use his spot. That's how I knew him - I just noticed he always made efforts to not scratch my car, and he'd open his door carefully, etc. He was just a good person, from my perspective. I felt very safe having him live here, and I still feel that way.
The real sad part comes in regards to the girl though. I don't know if they are married - I don't believe they are, but I do think they have at least one child together. Their little girl's name is Dailani - and she walks to school with my neighbor's daughter. I have heard her every weekday morning (until school ended) this year, knocking on the door early in the morning and then her and my neighbor's daughter go walking down the street to the school.
Well, I really didn't agree with what went down here...
So - the police come and must have asked, "Is so and so here?" And she must have replied, "No, I don't allow so and so to stay here since he is wanted by the law."
The police officer likely has heard this before - and so he likely had a warrant ready to search the house anyway. When he did - he found the guy - so and so...
Well, FOR LYING to the officer - I repeat, just FOR LYING to the officer - she got arrested.
This girl WORKS everyday and I see her going off to work early in the morning, and coming back in the evening. I have known this to be her routine for as long as I have known her to be in existence on this planet. I felt safe having that guy around - and I really felt safe having this girl around. She is the exact opposite of a problem. She is polite, she always has waved and said hello to me, and all that kind of stuff. She is kind to the children that are outside playing, and it's just the type of person that YOU WANT to have as a neighbor.

If I have made correct assumptions, and she is the mother of Dailani, and so and so is the father - HOW ON EARTH could the police expect her to turn him in? What a stupid law. You will ALWAYS protect the mother/father of your children. It's not just protecting them - it's also protecting the children. How could the law makers not understand this? It just sounds like something the gestapo would have done - not something done in modern USA.
It makes me ashamed to be an American. They were TRYING and being good citizens. Granted, he must have done SOMETHING illegal - the rumor I have heard from neighbor's though - is that it is all because of an assault charge? Really? Not even battery?
From my understanding - and I'm not a lawyer; someone has committed assault against someone, if that someone got scared for a second.
Like, if a person makes the movements like he's going to punch me in the face - but he doesn't - he just threatens to make me flinch; I BELIEVE that is assault. If he HITS me, then it is assault & battery. I just think these people were benefits to society - adding to things by working and being good citizens; and we WASTED the resources for - probably a dozen police officers, at least half a dozen cars, 3 machine guns, etc. just to hassle this poor guy? Plus we need the jail, the jailers, the transportation, the public defender, the judge, the bailiff, and on and on and on and on.

Really? This is the best method? We need to seriously re evaluate this country. The polical system is screwed and so is the judicial system. It was all built on a beautiful foundation though - so we really should do this reconstruction and rehabilitation sooner rather than later - and certainly before it's TOO late...
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Tvxhed · 41-45, M
I never blamed the police as individuals. I believe the men and women that came to do that job were professional and good folks, doing a good job. It's the law here that I disagree with, and that's all I'm doing; I believe that's well within my rights as a citizen.
I like police and I believe they do a good job under difficult circumstances. I even have inquired into becoming a police officer - but I only want to be a detective, I refuse to be a traffic enforcer - so it wasn't an option for me as a career because of that disagreement.
I believe family is the core strength of civilized humans, and that includes the USA. We need to have faith in this system, and not use our laws to degrade it. I agree - what she did broke the law and what the police did was enforce it. Everyone behaved well within those parameters and I'm not complaining about that at all.
What I am complaining about is the thinking behind this law. Yes, in many situations I believe it should be illegal to lie to the police. However, when this starts to enter into the area where it can be destructive to a family, whether justly or not, it becomes something with which I no longer agree. I believe the police should not be able to punish a family member, for trying - in non-violent ways, to protect their family. The police should EXPECT those types of lies, and make their decisions carefully with that mistrust in their minds.
Now, this was a non-violent situation and none of the police, or anyone else was in any danger of being physically injured. If that was not the case - I would feel differently as well. This was just a discussion though, and the girl was removed from productive society because of the words she chose to use. That doesn't SEEM American to me. It sounds more like something I would expect to hear about the Gestapo or from Russian police forces. It just seems the antithesis of what we are trying to do with this country.
Tvxhed · 41-45, M
I'm just saying I felt safer before the police ever came. I never saw guns or felt like there was the potential for trouble, before they came with all the serious gear.
I totally appreciate the police, and I think they are good folks. They get told what to do and it's them doing a job, it's the larger picture that bothers me.
Like, for instance, the fact that this girl is going to jail - instead of working and raising her children. Why? Because she lied to the police about her child's father. I view this more as a desire to protect the children - because you don't want to have to explain "daddy's in jail" or even worse, "daddy's in jail because mommy turned him in"... Granted, whatever he must have done was wrong and I disagree with it - but I do not believe destroying a family, of what seems to be hardworking and friendly folks - is a benefit to our society. These children are going to grow up and be adults eventually. Do we want to have them AGAINST the police? They likely will be now, because they went from having a nice family life at home - to maybe potentially being in foster care. That's not good - that's not making the world a better place. And if this is all because someone (may have just even been over reacting and) got scared and called the police; well then it is the exact opposite of what 'justice' means to me. @ladybronte
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
WTF?? Without knowing what he did and what he was wanted for, how can you say this was uncalled for? They don't simply send out police and swat for someone who has too many parking tickets or likes to jay walk and they don't send them "just to hassle this poor guy." The g/f didn't just LIE. She was interfering with a police matter and she was aiding and abetting. Chargeable offenses. Simply because they are polite and you like them doesn't mean the cops should have said "Oh hey, this guy says he's a good neighbor, and apologized saying we didn't realize he always said please, thank you and tries not to scratch your car, then slapped each other on the back, put everything away and went home for the day. The law doest work like that. There or anywhere else and I'm glad it doesn't. I appreciate the dangerous job cops do and while there are a few bad apples I think most of them are trying to do their best in a shitty, dangerous job that too many people don't appreciate and go home at the end of the day alive and well.

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