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I Am Proud of My Heritage

Bhoramdeo Temple
●Located in Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
●Built in 11th century CE
●Dedicated to God Shiva
●This wonderful Temple also has finely sculpted ten avatars of the God Vishnu, images of God Shiva and Lord Ganesha

भोरमदेव मंदिर
●कबीरधाम, छत्तीसगढ़
●11 वीं शताब्दी सीई में निर्मित
●भगवान शिव को समर्पित
●इस अद्भुत मंदिर में भगवान विष्णु के दस अवतारों, भगवान शिव और भगवान गणेश की मूर्तियां भी हैं।

📫Address/ पता :
Kawardha, Kabirdham District, Chhattisgarh 491995
कवर्धा, कबीरधाम जिला, छत्तीसगढ़ 491995

🌎Google Maps Location/स्तल :
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helensusanswift · 31-35, F
That is a truly fantastic piece of architecture! Outstanding! Is it still in use?
helensusanswift · 31-35, F
@LoneKnight I think your version of history is coloured by anti-colonial propaganda.
I don't know enough about the Chola empire to argue - I'd like to believe that it was benevolent but given the history of every other empire in the world, I rather doubt it.
I think it was climate conditions that starved people to death - and outdated farming methods that failed to provide sufficient food for a population too large for the available land.
As for human sacrifice in Africa - proven fact I'm afraid, as is the prevalence of slavery that the evil British tried to end.
Did British rule in the sub continent not stop all the hundreds of small nations fighting each other? Hindus slaughtering Hindus as well as Moslems slaughtering Hindus and Sikhs?
LoneKnight · M

I have heard it all
Africans killed Africans so superior colonizers committed genocide on them.
Native Americans killed native Americans so superior colonizers committed genocide on them.
Indians killed indians so superior colonizers committed genocide on them.
Other non white tribes killed each other so superior colonizers committed genocide on them.

These are their typical excuse to justify genocide.
The pictures I shared proved who the real savages were.
The truth is that most of non whites are not buying colonial lies anymore.Say what you want to defend colonial genocide but I won't reply to you on this matter anymore.
Oh, I will share the truth about colonial and Arabic Islam's genocide wherever I can.
helensusanswift · 31-35, F
@LoneKnight just make sure it is the truth and not propaganda to cover the facts.
Genocide seems to be what the Hindu mobs are trying to do to the Moslems in Delhi just now. I can't recall any such British mobs attacking ordinary Indians.
What was the immediate result of the British leaving the Indian sub continent? About a million people killed in religious riots and then wars between Pakistan and India? Something like that.
adorbz · 26-30, F
Those look incredible :o
yeah i don't read or understand retard!

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