Think of how you would feel if someone was just using you to get back at an ex
Serenitree · F
Using one to hurt another hurts the one being used a lot more than the ex. And in the end, it's the user who loses the most.
Mastermadman · 61-69, M
The absolute best revenge is..... moving on and living well.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I guess you should let the person know what you're up to, then it's all fair game.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No, of course you shouldn't.
Unless you also want to be used...later. Karma is a biotch
Julienne · 51-55, F
Its a very stupid, childish, selfish and inconsiderate way of doing it to your SO to get back at the ex, but it does in a way help u move on though. Karma is a B so I wouldnt do it.
acpguy · C
No.......you need to do your own burning bag of shit on his doorstep.