If a Libra says to you "That's not fair", that's the first sign of trouble in your relationship. Never let a Libra feel like things are unfair. You WILL lose them.
To be fair, you should give them a chance to improve. (Fairness has to work both ways) If that stage is already passed, then the scales are going to judge them guilty!
True! Especially since in my experience, I've noticed most Libras are pushovers. If a Libra said that in the first place then DANNNG you done messed up.
I have to agree with JourneyOfLife. Conflict is sooo not my thing. I personally like to give people a chance to dig the hole that they're gonna fall in (or get pushed in).
IT'S SOOOO AMUSING!! :D Nothing more satisfying that people doing that and you're just sitting on the fence with a tub of popcorn egging them on to go ahead and do as they please! xD
Defo gah - unless they're caring or understanding enough to give you more chances