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I Love Skyrim

I'm a male Breton. I'm master alchemist and archer. I poison my arrows to inflect silent death upon my enemies. With a single shot I paralyse my target and watch as the poison drains the life from its body. Sometimes, I'll use a couple frenzy poisons in a group of bandits or Forsworn to cause chaos. Alteration is key as I don't wear armour and Detect life/dead to locate enemies before they can see me.
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My first character did great for a while. Defeated Alduin and Miraak, destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, saved the world from eternal, vampire-ridden darkness. Then he took an arrow in the knee and now he's a guard in Whiterun, dealing mostly with thieves and drunken brawls.
I’m usually an archer but found the game way too easy.

So I went to a heavy armour/sword+shield combo. It’s still quite easy but it adds a little difficulty.
ZeroFox · 36-40, M
The game is easy. PERIOD.
But still fun.
@terribleperson I have the difficulty high. I started on expert and ramped it up.

Skyrim has never been very good at levelling the game with the player.

Full daedric gear, 80+ skills. Yet a bandit will appear and try to kill me.

It took thirty/forty seconds throughout the first few levels, now it’s just a single slice.
@SW-User yep

They swung the opposite of oblivian where the game got too hard as u went along.

If u did anything besides lvling up combat skills, u couldn't beat mobs eventually.

The ways its set in skyrim allows u to explore the rpg elements a lot more

But it was shitty easy
InvictusIndigo · 26-30, M
I always start over to make a new character because I got too bored. I do the "God Hack", get my alchemy and smithing and enchanting kinda high, and loop the steps until I get ridiculously strong. Like I killed the ebony warrior and alduin with one hit each. Is there any way to make it less boring? I'm always tempted to quick-level and farm.
@InvictusIndigo Turn it to legendary and stay away from all of the glitches and cheats?

It’ll be slightly more interesting.

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