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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
The problem with reviews are that they are one sided. You never hear the other side of the story. And people can lie on reviews.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Most bad reviews come from former employees
BalmyNites · F
If you need a job, go for it
Someone else’s opinion may differ from yours
If you end up not liking the job, you can change 😊
Someone else’s opinion may differ from yours
If you end up not liking the job, you can change 😊
BooBaby17 · 26-30, F
@BalmyNites yeah that’s true I heard some people complain about no benefits and the pay sucks but I don’t care I need a job.
BalmyNites · F
@BooBaby17 Good luck 😊
Outsider98 · 36-40, M
I was desperate and needed a job. I took one with bad reviews and really low pay. One month into it and I got a 3 dollar an hour raise and a promotion. Now my manager is leaving the company next month and I'm up for another promotion and more money. I simply applied for a sales job and since others are moving on, I'm going to be the store manager. For some reason with my resumme and dumb luck. I can afford to stick it out. Plus be in charge. I'm not sure how I landed this gig, but I do know I'm gonna stick it out til things go south.
I don't listen to most people because I'd rather judge for myself whether I like something or not
Experienced33 · M
Better making money, while you look for another one...
I only put so much faith in reviews. People tend to use them as a means of getting even, even if what they're reviewing didn't do anything wrong. I also think people with a complaint are more likely to take the time to write a review, which can skew the numbers.
It’s not shallow at all
It helps to know someone that might know a little something about it though.
But if not, read ALL the reviews
Not just the negative ones cause there’s usually two sides to the story
It helps to know someone that might know a little something about it though.
But if not, read ALL the reviews
Not just the negative ones cause there’s usually two sides to the story
Timeforsun · 51-55, F
If you really need a job desperately. I have applied to and was hired by a company with bad reviews, until I found something better.
chrisCA · M
It is easier to get a job, when you already have a job.
Only if the pay is decent
bijouxbroussard · F
Depends on the situation. What wasn’t a good fit for someone else might work well for you.