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I Am Aware That Some People Like Me And Some People Hate Me

There's an old saying that's really not used much nowadays, "there's nowt queerer than folk" - it dates before the time when it wasn't politically incorrect and has nothing derogatory about gay people..

The pure meaning of the phrase stuck me today.. when I came home to find a rant from a young *lady* completely missing the whole premise of what I'd said and telling me how uneducated I am! She also told me I am very old :P

And then, having clearly taken the trouble to PM me - she blocked me..

What made the rant so interesting though was... that her post telling me how uneducated I am, and how SHE was educating me... was riddled with grammatical mistakes and whining that illiterate isn't a proper word!

It kinda made me smile as I sat and pondered the irony of the very poor grasp she had on grammar.. And I shook my head and thought.. there really is nowt queerer than folk... What I like about people is their sheer unpredictability, their randomness, their weirdness even.. and sure as heck she was weird :)
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Peaches · F
I'm aware of that too about myself. I put a question out here in the community asking people what it is about me that bugs anyone. I got a response that it might have something to do with ego and immaturity. 🤔 No one in "real life" has ever said anything like that to me before. I only asked because some people that used to talk to me ignore me now so I can feel the gossip mill around here turning, but I'll get over it just fine. We none really know anyone here anyway.🎭️
Peapod · 61-69, F
The internet is an interesting place. I have seen people rant over so little and I can only shake my head. Maybe some people just feel so inferior in general and take it out on anyone that gives them a challenge.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Peapod Indeed, that's a good insight there.. It did seem a bit insecure.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@Adaydreambeliever, almost always. Secure people don't react like that, even if they feel challenged.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Peapod That's a very good point
SmartKat · 61-69, F
You can’t let other people get to you too much.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@SmartKat indeed, but when one can step back and actually observe people.. it really does show that people are endlessly fascinating.. sometimes in a good way, that amazes and inspires us.. and some in a way that makes us think.. I wonder how they survive :P
SmartKat · 61-69, F
@Adaydreambeliever True. People are often annoying - but they never fail to interest me.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Another day in paradise hun! ✌
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Harriet03 all part of life's rich tapestry.. and I bet you will never guess who she votes for :P
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Adaydreambeliever abbreviation of a brass instrument?
mountainman1234 · 70-79, M
I remember this saying and it was not to long ago ,, well maybe 50 years ago ,,, I find that young people these days tend to think they thought everything up ,, and words to had a total different meaning back in the day ,,, goes the same with movies and music ,,, I just shake my head and tell them to look it up ,,, I do not think the younger generation is going to last very long as they let to much of the small stuff bother them ,, mind I used to be like that to but learned to think before the mouth goes off ,, I live a lot better now ,,, Take care ,,,
joesecret · 56-60, M
thats a english saying more north of england .
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@joesecret you are entirely correct
Selah ·
Yeah people are amusing when im not allowing myself to be annoyed by them
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Selah Absolutely agree, perhaps when we are not in the mood for it it would annoy us, but not if we are in a good mood and it's so hilarious.. it's almost a lift to read it :)
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Def in the first group 😊 You're a great friend 😌
Fernie · F
that's funny! sounds like something an 18-21 year old would say and do here...the majority of them, in my experience with them, is that they really think they know SO much more than those of us who are decades older than they are,dismissing you and your life experience, of which they have had very little.....fascinating
Fernie · F
That's classic 18-21 nonsense
Fernie · F
@Adaydreambeliever they are a species unto themselves. These days I just block them BECAUSE they are 18-21...their frontal lobes aren't fully formed yet and they are convinced they know more about everything than people 30-40 years older than them🙄
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Fernie Ha ha I love that reply.. You clearly have a lot of experience of them and know their habits and traits well.
Fernie · F
@Adaydreambeliever So do you now! They are clones and deserve generalizations! :>
the streets of SW are littered with illiterate , and rude people. The kind of people who want the last word, so they msg you, and block you right afterward. A cowardly move, but at the end of the day, nothing you could have said would make her less weird, so she just saved you from wasting your precious time.;)
HerKing · 61-69, M
@Adaydreambeliever I saw/read what you did/typed there.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@HerKing Oh, you did, did you? Well, maybe you were meant to :P
@Adaydreambeliever I never do it at the dinner table though. I was raised better than that.;)
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
I Like You I Think Your Awesome 🙂
Peaches · F
@JohnOinger ...and would you do her?!🤣
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Peaches Hell Yes
Peaches · F
@JohnOinger 😁👌🏼
xixgun · M
I always find the less than stellar in the intelligence arena are the very first to belittle and question the intelligence of others.
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Thereyouare · 56-60, M
Well I like you I find you to be adorable funny very intelligent a lot of fun to chat with and yes I get you
HueyPLong · M
[image/video deleted]

Does this sum it up!
@HueyPLong You are making several assumptions here, because nowhere did I say that I agreed with everything she’s proposed. But unlike you, I’m not writing it off as a lack of intelligence or something to make fun of. I get that her being female is another reason for condescension. Probably why you’re directing a bit at me, as well. My eyes are open.
HueyPLong · M
@bijouxbroussard Sorry you took that way and do apologize.
But if everyone would look at what these policies these folks are trying to put in place would effect your way of life and mine plus others.
I appreciate you defending her but all these politicians say sum of dumbest shit and think myself my goodness hope their are not real that stupid.
HerKing · 61-69, M
Now a free stuff for everyone health care,food,housing,education etc.... What happens when you run out of free shot and machines have shut down to make your daily needs better learn how the homesteaders living hunting,gardening

Where does this myth come about free stuff? I'm genuinely fascinated. Because it works in civilised countries, it isn't free, but neither is the population held hostage to the insurance and pharma companies who have a massive lobby influence, so of course they'd trot out the sky would fall in without them, natch.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Would you do me
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@JohnOinger I am very sure you have a lot of interesting things we could discuss.
Fernie · F
Her frontal lobe won't be completely formed for a few more years...this is why I almost always block 18-21 year olds here...and their drama,depression, know it allness, and asinine posts. Once in a great while one will come in here with a fully formed lobe, but, not often.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Afaydreambeliver So what do you think of Jason Statham and would you do him
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@JohnOinger I'd have a good long chat to him of course :P
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Ironicman · 56-60, M
What a SnoWflake.

Username so I can go read posts and have chuckle
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Ironicman lol now that's mean :P Besides, I don't remember :)
Ironicman · 56-60, M
Peppa · 31-35, F
Stupid is what stupid do!
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Peppa Too true :)
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Canicu69 · 70-79, M
Ssi love you
english · 56-60, M
you do have to say it with country accent though ,nowt queerer than folk, see what i mean.🙃
Are you a polarizing sort?
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@jetpack @jetpack no, not usually - why, are you?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Never over think or assume what others think here of you. 🙂
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Zonuss lol why not.. people are fascinating.. it's kinda my job to look at that and think about it :P
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Adaydreambeliever This post. Hmmmmmmmmm. If you say so. 😂
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Zonuss I absolutely do.. and you know I am always right.. I think about people.. their motivations, why they do as they do.. always have .. but now it's kinda my profession.. soo...
I find it funny if you try to educate some people how angry they get. I had this with someone who clearly never grasped percentages a while ago but I was "some kind of idiot" apparently
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@SW-User I think some people prefer to remain in ignorance.. Isn't there the thing that says to be truly ignorant is bliss, because you are unaware of your own ignorance?
It's like young people forget that they're gonna get old too. Lmao. Hope it hits them hard
Fucking hell, whats wrong with people on here, jame says big up yaself, fuck the rest , just deal with the best
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Jogadnbyt Sounds like an interesting philosophy
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