I Am An Amputee
Experiencing phantom limb pain again today. It's something that happens for a day or two every few weeks. It's particularly painful today.
Go ahead and feel for the knuckle where your big toe joins your foot. Trace along your tendon towards your ankle for about half an inch. Now imagine a hot nail with a blunted tip being pounded right into that spot in a single strike. The pain is a flash, only there for half a second and then gone. And then anywhere from thirty seconds to three minutes it happens again. Again and again for hours.
Go ahead and feel for the knuckle where your big toe joins your foot. Trace along your tendon towards your ankle for about half an inch. Now imagine a hot nail with a blunted tip being pounded right into that spot in a single strike. The pain is a flash, only there for half a second and then gone. And then anywhere from thirty seconds to three minutes it happens again. Again and again for hours.