So I was thinking that maybe we should start an official skunkseeking website to find other skunkseekers and have a central hub. What do you guys think?
There kind of already was one, here...
Nothing really came of it though. Not even sure if the guy running it is active on SW, he was fairly active on Experience Project when he sent me the link to the site.
@Tinkerbell2614: Well technically you were mocking the name of the group. I got that. I doubt this "APhoenix" character did, however. He was being pedantic and sarcastic because you asked what a skunkseeker was when transitive logic applied to knowledge what a skunk is and what seeking is would give someone a pretty good idea. It was needlessly rude of him however.
@AnarchoMetalchic: I would explain but idk the exact science. But some people like the smell I guess... idk how to explain it otherwise but that's pretty much it