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I'm so sick of the hatred this world has 2 offer. I'm exhausted from racism, killing, unnecessary suffering.. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect. I've made many mistakes, but I'm tired of absorbing evry1 else's energy. It makes me want 2 give up sometimes, but I can't be so selfish. If it weren't 4 my daughter, I wudv checked out of this world already. I want 2 believe in a world with purpose and love. I can see it around me, but... I think maybe.. maybe dark forces are becoming more dominant... Idk.. I believe in US as a human race. But I just don't know sometimes.. Love conquers all they say... But sometimes I just don't understand.....
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🙁 It's become apparent to me as I get older that it's far easier for people to hate than to love. So that's the route they often take.
Link8 · 41-45, M
@SW-User it's so exhausting, and only prohibits growth.
Ugh... I thought as I grew up, I'd come to understand why there's hatred in the world, why people are greedy.

Near Half a century later and i still don't get it!

How can some be so rich money isn't even a concept, while others struggle for water?

I dont even think the word humanity is a suitable word any more - as a race, we can't even live upto the quality we are supposed to represent. 😔
Link8 · 41-45, M
@OogieBoogie it's hard 2 see sometimes. Although I do get glimpses of humanity within this cold world. It wud seem, as soon as some good starts 2 break thru, darker forces come back even stronger. I want 2 believe in those fairy tale endings, but sometimes it's just that.. a fairytale.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
You're not the only who is tired of this shit

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