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I Hate Mother's Day

I hate that day because it reminds me that our mother wasn't around and abandoned us. She chose drugs over us. When I post something about her on Mothers Day, nobody says anything. NOBODY says "Happy Mother's Day!" Or ignores my post about her. I would say I hope she comes back to us soon and will come home. She abandoned us when I was 8 and didnt regret it. When I post about how amazing my father is, they posted like CRAZY!!! They admire him rasing us on his own even though he is a jerk off sometimes (in a jokingly kind of way).
People say what amazing mothers my aunts are but never my mother. I feel like I'm the only one that loves her. I've always had my hopes up that mom would come back but I always ended up disappointed and she breaks promises and never calls us. My dad says, "I don't know why you made that lost when your mom made it clear she doesn't want you. Why can't you just accept that and move on?! She doesn't want you."
That hurt so bad. 😭😭😭😭
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Fernie · F
I think your feelings about her abandoning you at 8 are quite valid...mine did at that age too...emotionally...I would have preferred it if she'd just went away because she beat me daily...I know now that she was very very depressed and angry because she lost her own mother when she was 11 and she never got over it so she ruined her life and mine...the thing is...I really do forgive her. She had no clue what a mess she was....your Mom was a hundred times more lost than mine...drugs rule a person's life...the most important thing to them is the drug...she was in her own personal hell. If you haven't already, research the subject. You are grown now..the best thing you can do for yourself is work on forgiving her...and I know it can't happen overnight but....try to understand the hell she was in...this will heal most of your pain...forgiving her. Don't wait decades to begin like I did. Ignore the people who tell you to just get over it. You won't until you accept what happened and forgive her...she is sick. PS I was born on Mother's Day
Oster1 · M
Really sad to read the way, you sorry:).......
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@Oster1 Thanks. She's dead now 😭💔
Oster1 · M
@ElizabethBabe1994 I am so sorry, I really Mother passed 2 weeks ago so I definitely relate..... so heart breaking for both of us.
Oster1 · M
@ElizabethBabe1994 so sad and the way you feel.....

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