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I Hate Hypocrisy

Recently I joined an atheist group in FB for Indians, discussing their experiences. Most of the members were either ex Hindus or ex Christians and quite handful of them were I thought to be ex Muslims (I was wrong). The group recently started by one of my friends and it posted quite interesting topics. Most of them were talking about Hindu and Christian topics and I see these "ex Muslims" were eagerly criticizing them, maybe more than other members. I had my doubts about them until an actual ex muslim joined the group and she posted her experience about she suffered at the hands of her family and society in the name of religion. And what do you know, these "ex Muslims" started to verbally abuse her, calling her names and demanding to kill herself. It came to knowledge these idiots came into the group just to abuse ex Muslims and make fun of other religions. We banned them immediately.

I am ex Christian and other Christians know about it. Deep down they are not happy about it, but at least they don't treat me like how Muslims treat ex Muslims
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AuRevoir · 36-40, M
How many were there under false pretenses?
JBird · F
@AuRevoir 2 of them. We found out that only after they abused her. We have eyes on few others too. Only time will tell if they're truly ex Muslims. We started to post critical topics about Islam. Hope that'll crack them up. Lol
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@JBird Strange the things that people dedicate their time to, with no goal other than to disrupt.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Religion... Nice and cohesive ...
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
It does happen with Christians though. My family has totally disowned me. That's the whole family. Nieces and nephews included. All over religion.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Not surprising.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
That's awful! Glad you ferreted them out and banned them.
Khenpal1 · M
Islam do not allow you to be ex Muslim.
RosaDawn · 46-50, F
U can't fix stupid

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