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I Refuse a Political Affiliation

Really quite interesting to watch Trump shoot his big fat mouth off, criticising his HOSTS and most loyal ally...then claim it was false news, (yea that doesn't work here cos we SAW you on tv saying those things - idiot!) And then he had to retract most of what he said... What an idiot, I wonder why people cannot see that trusting someone who lies, says one thing then says he didn't and has to apologise and rectify and put right things he caused by his total lack of diplomatic skills, is a seriously bad move.. Mark my words he WILL cause further damage to the States :(
And then.. as if that weren't bad enough.. he says Boris Johnson would make a great anyone here listens to him.. and if opinions count WE think you DON'T make a good President or leader.. And worse.. what does Bird-brain-Trump give for his reason for thinking that Boris would be a great leader? "He's been very nice to me, He's been very good things about me...' Ahh so *that's* what makes a good leader is it? Diplomacy skills? Hm well Strumpet, you say horrible things about just about every other country and leader.. so that makes you an utterly shite leader doesn't it?
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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
He has! Your country and ours are going through very difficult, dangerous times!
walabby · M
The Western Hemisphere is in almost total disarray. No wonder China and Russia are getting uppity... :/
Peaches · F
Yes, 😟with the government shut down it's REALLY getting scary?! It's the longest in history and Trump won't budge until he has his way.
Well put.
Since I refuse to have any political affiliation, I almost didn't read this post.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Trump will be much happier once he's out of the White House. He can have a TV reality show and be on TV all he wants. And he won't have that pesky Constitution and duty to the citizens to deal with.
He recommended someone who outright lied in his resignation letter.

I find it difficult to have respect for these people.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@SW-User You are way too generous with your choice of words... 'difficult' to trust. I think impossible might be nearer the truth :P
Anopenheart · 51-55, M
you said it perfectly... he is a desperately insecure man who must constantly seek out praise and lie in order to get it
@Anopenheart 👍️
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@MarineBob delusional clap-trap... and?
Fernie · F
I agree...before he is finally removed he is going to cause SO much bloodshed and chaos
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