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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
You said you didn't watch movies. 😦
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@CrazyMusicLover Oh wow! 😲😱 I agree with you. There must be something deeply wrong with art institutions and art critics.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Mugin16 There's something wrong with whole society I think. Galleries would go bankrupt long ago if they didn't have the audience. Everyone nods their heads and pretend to understand and feel important because they feel like intellectuals and of course if it's in a gallery it must be something culturally valuable. It's snobbery at its best. They feel important repeating words like inter-textual, postmodern, relational aesthetics and pretend that it all has some value, some genuinely believe it has...but what I think it's just a pretense to leave the money-making machine going with minimal efforts from so called artists. Same thing is going on in music. As long as it is alternative and resembles jazz it must be of a higher value and if you don't like it you just don't understand it because it's something for intellectuals. 🙄🤣 Intellectual my ass. Of course many believe their superiority even if they don't make money...There are simply way too many egocentrics among artists whether someone is willing to pay them or not.

I know you don't watch movies but the movie The Square (2017) perfectly describes what is going on in the art world.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@CrazyMusicLover There is definitively something with our societies. There are of course lots of snobs who pretend that something must be great art if something is in a gallery. People in a ways of life throw around jargon as if that makes them smarter - they do that mainly to disguise that they do not really understand what they are talking about. My experience is that truly intelligent speak very clearly and precisely.

I like that guy who was producing traditional sculptures in the movie by Roger Scuton. Also the architect who designed and built the traditional looking houses at the end of the movie.
Cierzo · M
Beauty makes us transcend our own ego, but not wishing to own or merge with the object we call beautiful, it moves us to something that is beyond human, we can call it the Divine, the Idea...Beauty moves us humans up.

Of course, ideologies that want humans to feel victimized despise and fight beauty, they want human beings to go down, down into themselves, to make them conscious of their ego, and of their imperfections, unfulfilled desires, faults...not to move beyond them, not to transcend them.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Cierzo Very well put.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
[quote] The most ordinary event can be made into something beautiful by a painter who can see into the heart of things. So long as a belief in a transcendental God was firmly anchored in the heart of our civilization artists and philosophers continued to think of beauty in Plato’s way. Beauty was the revelation of God in the here and now. - Sir Roger Scruton [/quote]
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Mugin16 What he somehow forgot to mention is that Plato was somewhat a hater of mimesis of any kind. He disregarded visual art as a mere shadow and imitation of true beauty that we can find only in nature created by God. Therefore he didn't see beauty in art.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@CrazyMusicLover Be that as it may - as my history professor used to say.
@Mugin16 that is beautiful...I believe it is so.
I really enjoyed this video, Mugin...watched it twice! 😍

I couldn't believe how accurately it reflected my thoughts to the T. 🤩 This is exactly why I think renaissance period was the best era...
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Vivaci I think you will enjoy watching this movie by Sir Roger Scruton.
@Mugin16 Wow!!! Just the thing I need to watch while I log off SW. Danke schoen, Mugin...🌟🌟🌟🤗
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Vivaci You are welcome. I am sure you will like it.
@Mugin16 You betcha! If it has a yak...even better. 😬
Cierzo · M
I will try to find some time to watch it. You know the name Scruton always draws my attention.

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