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sexysusie · 36-40, F
Plenty more fish, as the saying goes.
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@sexysusie Thanks Susie, and I do know that.

ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
Yeah, it sucks, and it's painful, but it's also a rite of passage in a way. It gives you something you can relate to others about, even though it hurts. Everyone has their own motivations and needs for doing what they do. I don't think it was about you. Relationships and friendships run their course. Some journeys are longer than others, and sometimes circumstances prevent something from continuing even if the people involved don't want things to end. You just never know with relationships. So, as hard as it is to do sometimes (and with certain connections it's significantly harder than with others), you just have to move on and wish your ex well even if you wish things didn't have to end the way they did. I've learned from past relationships and breakups. For me, learning and growing is key, and I try to focus on the positives of the time spent together and the way they touched my life. (Some days are better than others though. 😜 )
@ChampagneOnIce Thank you... 🤗
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
@IAmJess 🤗
Carver · 31-35, F
I'm very sorry you've had to deal with that. Not sure if this helps but if they were quick to replace you, look at this way: that could show that they never valued you very much and probably don't even value their current romantic partner either. If they're so quick to replace one whenever one they think is better comes along then says a lot about how shitty of a partner they are. People like that usually end up alone in the end. You deserve better than that anyway. Hope you're able to overcome and can move on to find someone who will treat you better. 🤗
@Carver Thank you Carver. I appreciate that. But, on the flip side, they've been together now for four months and seem happy. 🤷
Carver · 31-35, F
@IAmJess Perhaps until someone your ex thinks is better comes along. In which case, that happiness is all just a front.
@Carver Thanks. I hope she find happiness though.
I hope that you'll be okay
Yeah, I'm fine, thanks
@IAmJess That's great if you were okay 🤗 This is kinda inspiring, maybe i can post something about this theme
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Anyone who would dump you is an idiot. You're smart, you're beautiful, you're funny. What more could anyone want? You are better off without them.
@chuck7882 Hmm, maybe she wanted someone less bitchy?
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
@IAmJess Hmmm. I never perceived you as bitchy
@chuck7882 That's because I only show you my warm and fuzzy side 😁
AndrewG · 22-25, M
Ah but it was not you it was them. They lost out on a wonderful person.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
@IAmJess Don't believe everything you see on fb. Just sayin'. :)
@ChampagneOnIce Actually yeah, that's so true. But they do seem happy.
AndrewG · 22-25, M
@AndrewG I do say so.
BrokenWhiskeyGlass2 · 22-25, M
I think we're all replaceable though, nobody is absolutely necessary to anybody.
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass2 Well that's kinda sad.
C'est la vie.

It's a crappy feeling, but you will endure and move on.
@SW-User Yup I know. Just kinda taking a moment to say it really sucked to be replaced last spring.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
Yes being replaced is a terrible feeling.
@CookieLuvsBunny Exactly. 😐️
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I have never had a girlfriend, so have never been dumped.

I have been rejected plenty of times, though.

About all I seem good for is taking dumps, LOL!

And math.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@IAmJess Nope. Nobody wants me.
@JoyfulSilence Wow, okay. Sorry to hear that.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@IAmJess It is what it is.

At least math still loves me.

; )
You are irreplaceable.
@DarkHeaven Hmmm, not to everyone.
@IAmJess Too me. 🖤😘💋
Scottdes · 56-60, M
I had that happen to me. My ex girlfriend dumped me for a guy she barely knew.
Scottdes · 56-60, M
I know.
@Scottdes Oh sweet revenge XD
Scottdes · 56-60, M
@SW-User I know, right? She couldn’t get a date after that.
mainvane · 61-69, M
sorry to hear of your heartbreaking loss. I broke up with my gf in the september we were college seniors and it ruined my entire year.
@mainvane I don't know that it was heartbreaking, but it's definitely worse being replace rather than just being dumped. That's all I was saying.
mainvane · 61-69, M
@IAmJess I think they are both bad.
I had met ,y college sweetheart the last week of school and we visited and made love a bunch of times all summer. she was taller than me and wasn't beautiful but I was head over heels in love with her. I was jealous of her even talking with any other guys and this experience taught me to let go of that
Degbeme · 70-79, M
awwww... I`m so sorry Jess. :( One day another will come along. Don`t rush it. 🤗
@Degbeme Well, like I said, this was a while ago. I'm simply agreeing here that being replaced is so much worse than just being dumped.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@IAmJess It is. I`ve been there. Years ago.
@Degbeme Thanks. And sorry... I guess it's part of being alive.
Chrissquish · 22-25, M
It's not happened to me too much, but I have split up with people and started dating someone else straightaway
Quite a few times.
FormerPadresfan · 26-30, M
They say the best way to forget your troubles is with gun powder kegs
@FormerPadresfan This was a long time ago. Troubles are long forgotten.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Its never a pleasant thing
@vetguy1991 Nope.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
BrokenWhiskeyGlass2 · 22-25, M
Pretty interesting information.
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass2 Glad you found it so.
Prisoner619 · 26-30, M
Not really.

Pain is not a bad thing.
@Prisoner619 Glad you enjoy it so.
disowned by parents is way worse
@bellybuttonfetishlover Yes it is. Lots of things are way worse. But this post isn't about any of them. It is simply comparing being dump versus being replaced.
Happened to me😥😂
@SW-User Sorry!
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass2 Did something change between this comment and the last one?
@SW-User thx

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