I Love Life
I woke up this morning and spent some time training and playing with “this guy”. I’ve had him for a week and his trust is absolutely complete. Everyday I see his fears dissipate as he recognizes he is protected.
Unfortunately, the life span of a dog is too short. I avoided having a dog after the kids grew up for that very reason. You see, Gunner will most likely face an unbeatable foe some day while still trusting me to protect him. He will not lose his faith.
I too am not promised tomorrow and yet I choose to have faith and trust in God. If you read this and don’t believe I am not putting you down or trying to convince you. I am simply saying that after years of knowing God, I trust God. I know the feeling of being loved by my creator and today is enough.
I face uncertain times physically, politically, and economically not with fear, but with faith. What’s happening with this pandemic is sad, but I look around and I see such amazing beauty, acts of kindness and hope. I look down at my feet and I see absolute faith in the precious life of a puppy and at least this morning, I am blessed.