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I Am An Ex-stripper

I stripped from 7 years. Im pregnant now. I live with my bf n his family i miss my old life. My old body. The money. My apartment. Options. Im 28. I working on renewing my nurses aide lincese and me n my bf r saving up to get pur own place. Hes an recovering heroin addict. His family r amazing n supportive. My bf is immature n emotionally abusive. I expressed numerous time i want to leave him if he does lnt treat me better n we can have 50/50 custody of our unborn son. He then apologizes and i forgive him. But its just a repeated cycle of disrespect n hostility. I miss my old life.
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Klimo25 · 31-35, F
Thank u. I proud of yur daughter. Thats my goal to b a nurse n make something of myself. Im happy she got out of stripping. Some ppl like me just get comfortable with it after doing it so long. It financially supportive to get on yur feet. Unfortunately i have seen stripper friends get into drug problems. Prostitution dmis n jail time bc of getting carried away with the lifestyle.I even lost my best friend to alcohol poisoning. It helped me get to where i needed to be now ill go the nursing route. It took a lot for your daughter to tell family was angry but it was my abusive home life that led me to it. Now i can only better myself. Dont judge yur daughter too much 4 her past not all strippers r drug addicts or prostitutes. Many of them just treat it as a job. Come to work dance n leave with the money. They dont get involved with the bullshit.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
As a nurse you can have a good life
My Daughters have raised their kids alone ,and one has supported a few sorry men ,,so she is capable of needing no one ,,
One ,not wanting me to know she was struggling was a stripper
I am glad she listened to Dad and went back to school ,now she is a nurse too
To often we cling to a sinking ship ,afraid of being alone
A sinking ship takes you down with it
Until my girls accepted ,,Dad was still here to help them ,and they made the choice to take care of themselves ,and not count on anyone ,not even me
They would always settle ,and be co dependent with drunks and addicts
Now all 3 of my girls have good men and careers (and from their example ,now their kids are off on the right foot too )

Wishing you all the luck in the world
With a kid ,there are agencies willing to help you get on your feet
I would look for and take advantage of them ,,,today you need skills

And I know a few strippers ,,good thing those places are dark
But do you really want some old man lusting after you ,when there are lots better ways to make a living ,,I am proud my daughter made her own way
I am just sad her pride kept her from calling me
She knows I won't enable them ,,I always push people I love to be self reliant
I am not always going to be here ,,,now ,,even my grandkids are making me proud ,they had good role models
Klimo25 · 31-35, F
Thanks i was in college finished my pre-recks for the rn program. Couldnt afford to go back this semster bc of bills. Im retaking my nurses aide test. I had a every abuse family life n had to do everything on my own with healths problems on top of it. My bf family is so supportive. They r letting us stay at they house to save up 4 our own place. I never had this much love n support from a family. I wish my bf was nicer to me n his family. He was clean when i met him. He relapsed 3 months ago. He is selling weed n emotionally abusive. Was never like that b4 i was pregnant. I have his families support i wish i had his. He obly got clean 3 months ago. I want to leave him but i feel like i cant till after i have the baby n get a job again as a nurses aide n one day eventually as a nurse.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Klimo25 My Daughter did her CPR coarse and a demonstration for her graduating class 8 months pregnant ,and he partner was also going through a divorce and 8 months pregnant ,,,,I was never so proud of her in my life

My Daughters stayed close to the families of the Dad ,My kids were taken from me for 12 yrs and addiction played a part in it ,,so I raised my kids to always let the other family be part of their kids lives too
My youngest ,the one that was pregnant ,,,her man was killed when her kids were 3 and 5 ,,my middle Daughter lost her man to kidney and heart failure ..

But my oldest is only 41 ,owns her own home ,the middle one is only 39 owns her own home ,,the youngest have up her how to take care of her mans Dads home after his wife passed away ,,but in August ,,she is buying another one ,she is 38 ,,my Granddaughter is only 20 ,she is buying her first home

All of them used Government programs ,and I covered the rest to be self reliant

I have had 3 heart attacks ,,they became nurses to look after me when needed
and I am disabled ,but still self reliant

It is cool his parents love and help you ,,,you carry their grandchild
But living with an addict is a tough life ,,I was one and my sons Mom was too
We are no longer together ,though I love her very much
She was offered the chance to go to long term rehab ,,or get out
She chose the drugs ,and she only stays straight when she has our son
I will take him from her otherwise ,and she knows I am not playing

From what you say ,,and it is none of my business ,,for now ,you have lost him
You need to care for you and your child ,,Addicts only wake up when they lose something they can't afford to loose ,,,the love of their life ,or their freedom ,,,I lost my kids and still kept using
it took loosing my second wife for me to see ,,I was the problem ,not them
IBHappy · F
Why do you keto putting up with it. You are encouraging the cycle to continue.
jenmil · 26-30, F
Praying for you and your baby
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Sounds like you and your boyfriend are winners.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
You could have made a better decision. Oh well.
Klimo25 · 31-35, F
Cyber bullying is sad arent u old ebough to know better
BlueRain · 51-55, F
I’m old enough yet know better that I block trash. Bye.
TimSummers · M
You need to do what is best for you and your child. Sounds like being with him is not best.
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
@Klimo25 its illegal for them to discriminate against you for being pregnant.
Klimo25 · 31-35, F
I can try thats all i can do
TimSummers · M
@Klimo25 Try and hide as much money as you can from him so you have some extra cash when you do decide to leave him. Daisy49 is right about they can't discriminate against you for being pregnant. Are there a lot of job opportunities for you where you live?
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
well I wish you well with your new life,
Klimo25 · 31-35, F
Thank you 4 the support
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
You need to move on
Get away from the guy and have your baby in peace. Let him be a dad, but you don't have to put up with his shit for him to do that. I also appreciate your honesty. A lot of people don't admit to missing their old lives and things for fear of sounding bad, but I think it's very human to just say, "I had this great life, took a chance and changed things now I'm scared and miss life the way it was. "

I hope you find a solution that's beneficial to you and the baby.
Klimo25 · 31-35, F
@DancingStarGoddess thank you for the advice. Some older women in her mid 40's was very disrespectful to me about my post.i appreciate the support.
@Klimo25 you're Very welcome!
Nighttalker · 56-60, M
Have you gotten your stripper’s body back yet? Have you left that guy yet?
Dump him. People rarely change.

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