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OldSoul11 · 56-60, M
Hi, I cant begin to understand what you are going through or have gone through, but i have raised two daughters that have had their share of issues, we are pretty close and we share in each others lives as best we can even though they live on their own now. My oldest just told me the other day that she remembers me telling her many times to stop being so hard on herself about everything, also to let relationships become what they may, its impossible to do everything right in a relationship and trying to hard makes it worse, the simplest things to do are to give the other person all the reasons to love you (even if its just trust) and only one reason not to love you, whatever that may be. Oh, and i believe telling someone, even a stranger, that everything is going to be ok, always gives a person a split second of hope for a better future, so to you young stranger...Everything is going to be ok. Peace and Love from an Oldsoul.
QueenOfAnxiety · 26-30, F
@OldSoul11 thank you so much for your reply, its much appreciated. And thats great advice. I will keep that in mind. Usually in the moment though when I'm over-worrying and such and try thinking positive and combatting the negativity I'm never able to win. The negativity always wins and I just don't know how to change that. Thank you so much for your kind words!

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