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I Believe In Sending Positive Vibes

Your vibe attracts your tribe.
Every living thing has a vibration.
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Wiseacre · F
I do not send positive vibes to ppl who piss me off…not even sure what that means.
PatKirby · M
The natural frequency at which human beings vibrate is 7.5Hz (ranging between 3Hz–17Hz depending on body part). That's very interesting because the Earth's resonant frequency itself vibrates at 8Hz. Could that be a coincidence? Hmmm...
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

For the Earth resonance, you're talking about an electrical resonance between the ground and the ionosphere, rather than a mechanical one, right?
PatKirby · M
Yes. Now I'm not claiming that I understand it fully but to summarize, these electromagnetic waves in the lower ionosphere of the Earth created by lightning striking fifty times every second create low frequency (Schumann Resonances) in this band similar to that of human beings. This frequency of 7.83 Hz is called the Earth’s “heartbeat.” This fascinates me because some scientists are speculating that "human consciousness can both be impacted by and itself impact the Schumann Resonances" as well as animals.*

Let's just say for the moment that this electrical inter-relationship between the Earth and human beings/animals were true. Would that not directly imply that the Earth itself has consciousness, and if it does, qualify it as a basic form of life? In addition there's the seasonal atmospheric component. In winter leaves drop en masse around the planet thus injecting less oxygen (thus more carbon dioxide present), while conversely in springtime oxygen is more abundant (less carbon dioxide present). Almost as if the Earth is mimicking the breathing cycle. Winter exhale, spring inhale. Of course that's just speculation.

But maybe, just maybe here's some of the reason why animals behave noticeably different before an earthquake - mother Earth is busy sending out signals.

Just some rambling thoughts.

* "Is the Earth’s “heartbeat” of 7.83 Hz influencing human behavior?" Hard Science. Big Think. Freethink Media. March 18, 2021. Online -
Carazaa · F
Absolutely. All my friends are christians and no one own a gun. Likeminded and peaceloving!
Umile · 41-45, F
Wiseacre · F
Oh, shux...I been attracting cynics lately.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Wiseacre make like Taylor swift and “shake it off” Wisey!
Wiseacre · F
Platoscave · F
🔄I am still reaching out for my tribe.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
It’ll happen. Have faith. Things are happening all around you constantly.@Platoscave
true - or will have soon.....
[image/video deleted]
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Classic dude!
So should I count you in for the 12” model? JK@MarmeeMarch
@AthrillatheHunt Thats the one made in Africa - the 4 incher is made in Japan.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Holy u no wha dude!
Great sense of humor.@MarmeeMarch

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