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If its a name of something, I mentally go through the alphabet until certain letters stand out. Then I usually remember the name.
cycleman · 61-69, M
@SW-User I have times where I forget what words I was going to use to finish the sentence. Or maybe better said, I forget what I am talking about!
@cycleman Ah yes. Tbh I get like that as well sometimes, end up trailing off at the end of my sentence. Usually I think it's because a lot of ideas come into my mind while talking so I forget the main point. But if I think quickly I'll remember the main point and just go from there. Just staying relaxed within myself tends to keep things flowing smoothly.
Nobody00 · F
If you forgotten then you don’t need it
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Nobody00 · F
Lol@TurtlePink sucks to be him then
Nobody00 · F
@TurtlePink ...then we can remind?
Jungleman · M
try and write things down.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Write it down.