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in an era where republicans nullify the vote through massive voter suppression and the other guy is barely alive and running as a GWB republican America has to realize that you dont have a democracy. The rest of the world sees this and knows dont vote get in the streets and fight for a real democracy as your votes arent worth the paper they are written on (heck you dont even have paper votes). Today it is even punctuated by having your leader locked in a bunker with fence and guards safe from the people that wont push him out. It is equally interesting that Trump has only a third of the support and able to run the country because the corporate democrats are enabling this neofascist take over. This was seen during the impeachment gag as Trump was able to show he knew who his rival would be even before Joe could make sentences or get supporters. Joe has no base, he has nothing to give the people, his only winning point is that he isnt Donald. I mean Bernie has a base. He has a movement and an ability to move the people but the democratic party rather enable fascists. Anyone with brain cells knows that the election is rigged and going to be called before the votes... Joe maybe will figure it out eventually we hope... and so the only answer is people showing what they want. It worked in every other dictatorship and the army never brings democracy. democracy died today now what are you going to do about it.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
LOL, we celebrate the end of democracy in the USA every Thanksgiving. We have a Constitutional Republic
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@che154 You keep believing that, it amuses us no end
che154 · 36-40, M
@sunsporter1649 glad you are amused as you and country folk die faster than flies.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@che154 I hear there is a run on prayer rugs now that you are letting the ragheads take over. Good luck, you're gonna need it
2cool4school · 46-50, F
It’s a duopoly and never was a democracy. Same plan no matter who’s face is place holding the potus
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@sunsporter1649 again wrong. Not complaining. Try harder.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@2cool4school And you are going to let everyone else run your life. Interesting
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@sunsporter1649 nope not even close. Good luck to you.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Another liberal talking out their ass again!

MASSIVE Rally for Trump in Nigeria — Hindu Sena hold Fire Rituals for Trump in New Delhi — Jews in Surfside, FL Hold Prayer Vigil for Trump
che154 · 36-40, M
@curiosi A quarter million Americans die from the flu yearly? Even African countries and under developed countries arent that backwards. Guess when you are that fucked you brag about it.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@che154 CDC updated the numbers and admitted most of those weren't from the flu. Do try to keep up you are making quite the ass out of yourself.
che154 · 36-40, M
@curiosi trump said that cause he doesnt like the numbers as it shows his country is more backward than under developed countries. You are proving my point with every comment. He also calls it the flu. Im laughing cause we are watching America fall and your comments show just how fucked up the propaganda system has made you as you defend him killing a quarter million of your countrymen. lol
Lmao you mean to say that democrats have to revert to violence to compensate for their lack of voting power.
che154 · 36-40, M
@SinlessOnslaught i never said violence I said people in the streets. MLK got a lot with non violence. Ghandi got his country free without violence. Im saying that the election is a joke and either skin in the game or just third reich and anyone that believes democrats under biden have a hope has been wasted for days on acid.
Malai · 22-25, F
kodiac · 22-25, M
I hope the first house they burn is yours.
che154 · 36-40, M
@kodiac do you understand the political scene now? do you understand what has happened and will happen and do you understand neonazi dictatorship? do you understand neoliberalism and what is at stake? At 16 I did. It was under the bush era. America lived through that and that began this. There is no Trump fascism without Bush Patriot Act. Your above statement shows your thinking that we should say nothing cause nothing will change and it isnt just bad there. We see how that works and that was the first thoughts as dictatorships start. They killed the comis and i did not care cause i am not comi. They killed the immigrants and I did not care cause i am not immigrant. They killed the youth and no one cared cause there were no immigrants and comis. (its a poem from WW2 about nazism) Your statement that people are dying all over the world so who cares is impressive. We see you dont care. Europe has about half a billion people and less than 10% of the deaths of the US. Trump has said he doesnt care and thats why Americans are dying faster than anyone else on the planet. As it stands America has a neoliberal president with a fascist leaning senate. With a right wing supreme court its likely nothing will pass and certainly nothing to benefit the people. Thats what caused the election of Trump and fascism. It boils under the surface and because of that you dont have a democracy and will be run by trump.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@che154 So where are you from and when did Trump cut off aid to your country.As we speak Europe is being overrun by radical lslam and it's only a matter of time before they are once again begging the US to save them .So how is that working out for you? Since you have all the answers what would you do to save the world from the virus? More testing ? Trump did that , get more protective gear? Trump did that and made in America . Ask not demand people wear masks Trump did that even though only a fool believes a mask made from an old tablecloth does anything at all. SO ENLIGHTEN ME HOW WILL YOU SAVE THE WORLD?
che154 · 36-40, M
@kodiac well if you get your head out of your ass when has any european country asked for American help in the last 4 years, Russia not included. The answer is no country has contrary to Trump points. A country with 5% of the world population has over 30% of the world wide cases and more deaths than countries like India (1.6 Billion people) Indonesia, Russia, Brazil. You notice something about these countries? They have neofascist governments that like dictatorships and no universal healthcare and they have the most cases on the planet and most deaths. What is also seen is that these countries have economically fallen since becoming more friendly with dictatorships. Radical islam was able to attack the US by Republican Bush Jr and killed during Obama. Europe is a continent like Africa (Bush couldnt name continents must be your education system) and both is doing hugely better on pandemic. Well stupid, masks work for the rest of the world. In Taiwan they had 7 cases and wore masks and have no pandemic. In New Zealand they wear masks and have no pandemic for months. Vietnam and South Korea and Asian subcontinent same thing they wear masks and no pandemic and less than 100 dead from pandemic combined. So the rest of the world wears masks and social distance and we are all alive. Stupid you might find out that the rest of the world got this and so your problem is yours. Sadly it takes 11mo for Americans to figure out what the rest of the world did last January. The funny part after all of this is that the jury is still out as to whether things will really change under Biden with McConnell running the senate. You will be left to stupid and die more than the rest of the world. The world is laughing at you.

PS. we know america is broke and cant make anything even table cloths and masks. The world laughs at your pathetic attempts at even masks and table cloths. After 11mo can you figure that out?
MethDozer · M
This is the best post of the week

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