Hello Gangstress. ^_^ Thank you for commenting and appreciate it. I was just curious about this site since I happened to see it through Youtube. Have a good week!
@IrishGuy1981 So far just trying things out since I happened to see this site through Youtube for Facebook alternatives and saw it in a comment someone posted on this site so I decided to give it a try. Have a good week!
@MrGoodbar It is. Just been browsing around on here as well as been looking around for some Facebook alternatives which I've found through Google and Youtube.
@Darksideinthenight2 I just happened to see someone post a comment on youtube on this site as I was browsing through Youtube's Facebook alternative websites and stumbled upon this. :-P
@Darksideinthenight2 So true. As I was scrolling down through the comments, I saw this site that the person posted and was curious so I decided to give it a shot. Some people I guess know some sites like this I suppose on the down low??? :-P