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I Want To Help And Heal Female Survivors Of Abuse

I have been charged with this mission as part of my life purpose. Obviously I cannot do it all on my own so by angelic intervention I have established a network of people who would similarly like to help.
We will offer love comfort and healing with guidance from light beings.
You may have survived abuse yourself. You may well not consider yourself a healer but you will possess the desire, love and compassion within you which makes you feel guided to help survivors spiritually.
We will give unconditional love with a vibration of the highest consciousness to redress the balance so that women who have survived abuse can feel strong again,feel confident,believe in themselves,love themselves,be able to love others and help make this world divine for all beings who live in it.
How each person heals will depend very much on individual skills,talents and passions they possess and are able to use. No aspect of this work is limited. Our purpose is to empower and in turn we become empowered.

Love to all.
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Hasmita · M
It will be we who do it rather than just I and will be done using the talents skills and passions each individual healer possesses.
It may be simply showing a survivor that she has positive qualities that perhaps she has not yet recognized.
Cinderella · 46-50, F
It is easy to be skeptical, with so many here and former EP who use the abused for there own amusement. I would love a venue a place to feel safe to be open about my feelings. I just need a safe place.
Hasmita · M
Always good to be sceptical.
Open your heart/chakras only as much as is necessary for each situation.
Carissimi · F
What exactly will you do to help female survivors of abuse feel strong, confident, love themselves, and believe in themselves again? You said you will help them achieve this, so I'm asking how you intend to do that?
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berangere · 80-89, F
Thank you for your devoted work where it is so needed.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
So you want to help the female survivors but not the male? It's great you want to help them everybody does and hardly anyone wants to help the males, even those that do rarely know how to start. Then there is the fact that female survivors are often afraid of males. your intentions as good as they are, probably won't offer much comfort.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
@Hasmita no police often laugh at us for even reporting, then we call crisis centers only to be hung up on, 1in4 girls are sexually abused as children and 1in6 boys are also, I'm glad you care about some survivors.
Hasmita · M
@WeighedDown I care about all but my mission is with female survivors.
I am no stranger to male abuse.
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Caroline259 · 56-60, F
I frequently help victims of domestic abuse. I rushed one into A&E only yesterday. I doubt you would have been interested though, like most of the victims I'm called to assist, he was the wrong sex.
Hasmita · M
@Caroline259 That's really good. The police responses you describe with regards to male victims was typical of their response to domestic abuse of women sixty years ago.

Just because I work with others healing female survivors of any abuse does not mean I am disinterested or not interested in the good work being done by you and others. I am no stranger to abuse of males.
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DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
Established? :) where do I sign up? More importantly, what tools do you have, maybe I can see what I know and compare with others finally who possess similar drivers and understanding! Thank you for your tangential contact by hearing my realignment comment about my life purpose. I grateful to have seen this post as a result.
Peaches · F
Thank goodness for people like you,☺️💓we need more!⭐️
Carissimi · F
And how will you do that?
in10RjFox · M
I am a healer and also on the mission myself... and just wondering how we can unite.

Where are you and how serious you are in this.. ?
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berangere · 80-89, F
@Hasmita Yes,survivors are used to pain and have learned to negociate it,but we never quite get rid of the pain.
DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
@berangere Somehow we need to learn to use it as a driver. We flee pain better than we run toward pleasure. But only if we genuinely feel the pain, or loss, rather than avoid it...
Blodyn · 22-25, F
Blodyn · 22-25, F
You make me cry but there are people out there crying for help. Let me go so I can help them. @Hasmita
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berangere · 80-89, F
Hasmita. There has been a glitch on this site and people can no longer see me among their friends. I have not unfriended you.
Hasmita · M
Bit strange trying to respond to you Berangere. No white board or pm.

Anyway I can still see you are a friend!
Platoscave · F
I need your help. The cruelty in the wider world is crushing me. Just from knowing it is out there. I can't stand it sometimes.
berangere · 80-89, F
@Platoscave I am afraid there is,but there are also good people who care.No, you cannot do much trying to convince people about something they don't want to know about or don't want to look at so they can stick to what they believe.The truth has to dawn on them personally,just give them your opinion and leave it at that.The world need people who care otherwise the world can only get worse.Every person who care is precious.This worldy dimansion is a very hard one where many lessons are learned.

Hasmita · M
@Platoscave I find Louise Hay very helpful and inspiring. See Louise Hay Foundation.
berangere · 80-89, F
@Hasmita I agree.
Hasmita · M
Not clear which bit you are asking about. With help in any way that works as described.
Sunshine59 · F
Are you a spiritualist?
Hasmita · M
@Sunshine59 My inspiration comes from my connection with spirit whether that be a connection I feel with nature or with individuals and situations I resonate with.
If you mean a religion called spiritualism then no because I do not resonate with religions.
However I was guided by a healer who channels spirit and I am following her guidance yet not blindly since what she channelled is what I have felt since I was around 12 years old namely that I have a special connection with the feminine.
Long answer lol?
Sunshine59 · F
@Hasmita no I like long answers lol thanks
Very touching...💕
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