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I Am Tired Of The Mis-direction By The Mass Media

A couple of days ago Germany was shocked by a horrific crime. An Eritrean refugee pushed a mother and her son onto train tracks in Frankfurt railway station. The kid was run over by a train and died.

Today the main newspaper in Spain (no need to say its ideology) shows this headline: 'a horrific crime is used as an excuse by German far-right to fuel xenophobia'.

What are really the intentions of western media? It is obvious that they are not just trying to change public opinion. It goes beyond that. They provoke. They try to create the spark that causes a huge fire. But what is the ultimate reason to create that untenable division in our societies?
The west i think is devouring itself as upon its own dung.
xixgun · M
The press that does not report the truth, is little more than a group of nasty children spreading rumors hoping to start a fight.

They should be stripped of all rights and privileges afforded the press until they begin to consistently post the truth.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I suppose it's a tool for creating a narrative that then creates itself by establishing it in the first place. The more outrageous and divisive it is, the more people will read and share it, thus more money.
Outside of that there's "activist" writers who will write opinion as fact to push their ideology. I don't like this because it's not only dishonest but it creates a volatile environment where people are more extreme and radical.
novembermoon · 51-55
"Today the main newspaper in Spain (no need to say its ideology) shows this headline: 'a horrific crime is used as an excuse by German far-right to fuel xenophobia'." This is really outrageous and unacceptable. How can the media there write such a headline? It is not ethical at all! It is not reporting news but spreading ideology.
Cierzo · M
@novembermoon You said it, spreading ideology, and fueling anger. That's why I am so sick and angry at our media, and I like yours because they just do what they should, inform.
Gumba1000 · M
To soften the options of the people who are and were so blatantly opposed to the decisions their governments have made. Such as opening the doors to Europe.
Cierzo · M
@Gumba1000 I don't see how such despicable nauseating headlines can soften people. At least with me they achieve the opposite result.
Gumba1000 · M
@Cierzo Because they are not highlighting the obvious repeat causes of problems. Xenophobia would not exist if such heinous crimes as family killing from refugees didn't exist. But the media spins it as its Germans being bad, when it's the refugees and the problems associated with them, that are the real bad. Misdirection like you said.
User41 · 36-40, M
Show us the story.
User41 · 36-40, M
You don’t get it.

The media is getting paid to draw stories.

The more you like it the less you’ll talk about it.

if a little old lady saved her blind dog from getting run over by a train people will be like “o that’s sweet”

If the enemy killed their own by pushing them in-front of a train all hell breaks lose.

The media is feeding off of your own anger, from the stories they produce....
Cierzo · M
@User41 I see they are fostering anger and social division?
But which is their ultimate goal? To start civil wars?
User41 · 36-40, M
To get more observers.

More observers to their websites = more sponsors.

So they created debate.

This way both sides come and clash angrily.

The more angry the two clash the more views they get.

The more views they get the more money they get from their sponsors.
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Newspaper circulation of course. Drama sells - straight facts don't.

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