hunkalove · 61-69, M
Considering "God" has never shown His face in the entire history of the human race, I don't see much point in getting excited about it, one way or the other. Maybe we find out when we die. Maybe not even then.
Spaceforrent · 100+, F
Apathy...the most widespread religion of the all.
Spaceforrent · 100+, F
Yep! Chocolate pudding is good!
reubles · 41-45, M
i'm atheist because i'm also a nihilist with a heart of gold.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Hey, Oakles, I think if he had it would be remembered. And I'm not talking about one person, anyone can say that.
Spaceforrent · 100+, F
Yeah sure but he wouldn't be remembered if he wasn't recognized by anyone who doesn't care right?
reubles · 41-45, M
heart you too. *goes back to looking up sitcom intros*
JustEd · 41-45, M
Laziness, same reason I keep a bottle by the bed

I heart you reubes

All meh apathy I'd get up and worship it but I can't be bothered
Spaceforrent · 100+, F
Hey hunk. How do you know he as never shown his face?

I don't care either way as long as I die in a vat of chocolate pudding