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I Think People Don't Like Me

Why do some of you not like me?
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MrTimothyMcNeil · 26-30, M
I haven't liked you since day one!

... In all seriousness, it's just inevitable that there will be people that don't like you. You forget them and focus on the awesome people. "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. - John Lydgate
I found this guy who has an avatar of an squirrel is a bit mad at underage people, then I found he posted a lot of adult experiences in EP. so I guess people like him is scared of underage people for legal issues. because they know their purpose of coming here is sharing adult stories.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Some people just don't for some reason
notthatoneguy · 22-25, M
So harsh 😭

It's okay, I came to that realization long ago 😁
MrTimothyMcNeil · 26-30, M
I don't even know you so I had no bias one way or the other, but I certainly have an answer now; you don't have a good sense of humor.
wakeupandsmellthecoma · 26-30, M
Should we have a reason to?
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
You just need too give people a chance too like you
IsaiahIMS · 26-30, M
No matter who you are people are not gonna like you even if your perfect in everyway but Ya know that is their fault they missed out knowing and amaezing person like you
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Yeah lots of people are jealous of me
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Oh brilliant. I now know that MrTimothyMcNeil doesn't like me. And I also now know that he doesn't know how to READ BECAUSE HE DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
why people jealous of you
notthatoneguy · 22-25, M
Cause you're a huge meanie 😤

Lol just kidding. You're alright kid 😂
Everyone has people who don't like them. In most cases, it isn't due to anything we have done to warrant the dislike. Some people are just jealous or even moronic like that.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Ive read some of your posts and it sounds to me like you are a spoiled brat. Thats most likely the reason people dont like you
honestguy · 22-25, M
because they are too ignorant ;)
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Shut upnotthatoneguy nobody cares
1961dave · 61-69, M
If anyone doesn't like you for no reason, then those people are just idiots. So don't let it bother you!

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