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I Am Changing

Transformation Complete:

Four years ago, I lost myself. And with it went any and all motivation I might have had to participate in my own life. I just sat on auto-pilot, watching my life pass me by. It started getting to a stage where I was disgusted with who I am and where I am in my life. But I did nothing. So many parts of me were lost already; and I didn't think I'd ever get it back.

Three months ago, I woke up and saw my reality for what it is. I was finally disillusioned. With that, I felt the pieces of myself slowly start coming back to me. It's like riding a bike... you never really forget how to, and once you get the hang of it, you're set.

Over these last three months, I've been slowly becoming myself again, and nothing could make me happier. There is no greater loneliness that losing ones self. But its over now, and I'm back for good.

The transformation is complete now. After three months of constantly conditioning myself, following rules and guidelines I set up and reshaping the way my mind works. I am proud of the result. I am proud to be me. I'm not who I was before. I am an improvement upon that person.

I'm just thankful the change is complete now. I'm thankful that I can feel my own energy again... I haven't felt that in over four years. It feels like my soul was missing, and I just got it back :-)
it is always a journey that if it is interrupted can be resumed again
just sucks having the pit stops along the way
one long continuous free bike ride is what I want but I will hit obstacles every time I get to a new street but if I fall off I will jump back on again my helmet will protect me - enough of the bike stuff lol you know what I mean :P
Still feel so lost and alone since my child hood I forget who I was and if I rebuild it wouldn't be me just searching where I belong . This lonely stuff is draining me dry

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