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I have had enough of this man.

I rarely use language like this however, I want to kick this kid right in the balls. This coworker of mine is always making such rude remarks towards me. I can't help but to feel targeted. I have done nothing to this man to make him act how he does towards me. I am over the passive agressiveness, the snapping at me over nothing, and the backhanded comments.

Today I was talking to another coworker about how pain makes you feel ancient. He has sciatica so we were discussing topical treatments for pain. The man in question overhears and says to me you are what 70? 71? pain is normal at that age. The way he said it and that smirk that went along with it made me want to slap him. I never usually want to slap anyone but for him I make an exception.

I have brought up his attitude before and nothing ever changes. I am also not the only one with issues regarding him either. He has been spoken to but in his mind he thinks he is God and has no faults. I know this type. Arrogant I can do no wrong I will never listen to anyone type. He will not take critique constructive or not. That is the heart of the issue.

I can say a lot more and have deduced a lot more about his type but I've said enough. I have aired my grievances and am moving on. I am not allowing him anymore space in my head.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
He’s got a personality disorder to stand there and smirk about someone else’s pain. Clearly he is getting under your skin if you feel like slapping a dog turd out of him, also another sign of a personality disorder.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@deepblacknothingness Good job for your self-control. Continue on. If everyone was stoic around him and he pushes and pushed for a reaction he might get his own ass in trouble when he gets caught.
deepblacknothingness · 56-60, M
@cherokeepatti I hope if nobody gives him what he wants he will give up.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@deepblacknothingness they will find a supply somewhere from someone. They crave it, gives them some type of perverse pleasure and energy.
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deepblacknothingness · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch I am aware I have aged badly but 70?71? Come on. I do not even know if a lawsuit would hold up. I'm not sure if it is worth it.
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deepblacknothingness · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch That's what I am currently doing.
TexChik · F
You need to punch him in the mouth a few times. There comes a time when some idiots dont understand anything but that.
TexChik · F
@deepblacknothingness Then dont take any crap. He sounds like the kind of guy that would take a swing at you if you told him off. Just make sure witnesses are around. Game over.
deepblacknothingness · 56-60, M
@TexChik I have stood up to him before. I simply told him to not speak to me that way and to not raise his voice. Others were around and were witness. I am one of two that have stood up to him.
TexChik · F
Kick him in the balls
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
@SW-User I second this
These people are awful .

I've learnt to just nod at them and think "wanker" as I smile politely. 😁
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@RogueLoner Part of it is the legal climate we are in, lawsuits could be made against the university if someone who has shown “violence” even in self-defense was to harm someone else on campus after such an incident.

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