I Suffer With Mental Health
For years I've been suffering from anxiety. I didn't know, I thought I was being a brat and that's what my family told me. One day I found an article about anxiety and I had all the symptoms. I mean ALL. From big symptoms like heart rate and losing sleep, to insignificant symptoms like fear of driving and iron deficiency. After that I tried to explain it to my family but they didn't. They believe that any mental illness is craziness. So I had to suffer alone, but I decided to cure myself, or at least take control. I made small victories. Like I started having less and less panic attacks, I learned how to stop one before taking over.. There is insomnia and other symptoms that I try to fix without being under tablets. It is possible to overcome any illness if you have the will. And if you can't alone I suggest you seek professional help. Mental illness is as serious as physical illness. Specially that anxiety actually has physical symptoms ..