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I Still Live With My Parents

I live with my dad. Since times are hard, I still live with him and help him out. I wanna live on my own but I'm not ready. My friend criticizes me for still living at home and I'm 28. She kept bugging about if I want to live with her and her best friend. I have aspergers syndrome but I'm do most things on my own like make my own doctors appointments work part time and go to school part time. I like where I am and I don't wanna live anywhere else right now. My dad said last time I am not ready to move out and live on my own. Now most people are saying I can do it and I am capable to love on my own. Even my younger cousins asked me, "When are you going to move out? You're an adult. You're suppose to have your own place."
Or "Are you EVER going to move out?"
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@SW-User Wow your little sister and friends are so rude! At least your parents let you live with them. How old is your little sister if you don't mind me asking?
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@SW-User Oh okay. My friends criticize me for still living with my dad and kept bugging me to move on with them. My younger cousins are like, "Why the hell are you still living at home! Move put already!" Very hostility.
sanjoh · 26-30, F
nothing wrong with living with ur parents 3 girls my mum and dad im 19 my g/f is 20 my sister is 17 we all live together
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
There is nothing g wrong with living with your parents. If you have a job or go to school or even helping them if they have trouble getting around that's acceptable. How ever if you are plain lazy and aren't doing either one. That's when I through my 30 year old son
@Rocknrod I have a job but its part time. And i go to school.
Ajz59852 · 36-40, M
I live at home.
@Ajz59852 You do? I though I was the only one. I get criticize for still living at home at 28
TrulyDiscover82 · 41-45, F
Don't move out till your 100% ready. Ignore everyone and their stupid opinions in where u shld be living and when. I'm 35 and moved out when I was 18 (thinking it would make me so independent etc.) I think I've pretty much been in debt for most of my life because of it. Debt which I would NEVER have accumulated had I still lived at home till.....well maybe I reached 29/30. My mum was happy for me to stay too, actually everyone thought it was stupid to move out when I was in full time employment with no bills to pay. I really wish someone back then had of told me the mess my life would get into if I rushed to get my own place. If your happy, your not ready, and your family are happy for you to stay, then there's nothing else that should come into it. Just tell your friends youl move in your own time, your making plans slowly and you'd rather take your time and go when it feels right. Just live for yourself and ignore people's opinion on what 'they' think is the right thing to do.

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