Things Italians usually like: 1) Catholicism 2) having a "small" potluck but in reality its actually more food to feed a small country 3) Reproducing as much as possible where you have over 30 Aunts and Uncles and a million cousins.
@Degbeme LOL...oh that takes the cake! It sounds typical though...he was planning on making sauce with em', that's all. It would have been worse if you drank his wine 😖
I LOVE the Italian's, they are such warm and caring people, just don't piss them off, haha!😁I was in Italy as a child and all the other little girls wanted to constantly brush my hair because it was so blonde. One summer the police blocked an entire block off and unscrewed all the fire hydrants letting all the water spray into the streets so we could get wet, it was so hot that summer!👧🏼⭐👧🏽💓👨🏽👶🏽💦I would LOVE to go back now as an adult.⭐ As for me, I'm Irish and German...I can't think of a meme to post for that?!🤔 Fun post here, thanks for sharing.💓
Beh, quando penso agli italiani americani; la prima cosa che mi spinge nella mia mente è 'padrino'. Le donne italiane sono estremamente stupende e abbastanza aperte. Li amo. Il massimo rispetto per loro.
@MellyMel22 ha ha! I'm basically just saying that's the best entertaining post I've read in a long time here. From anybody LOL as for my ethnic background it's French Irish German and a little bit of Swiss