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I Believe In Herbal Medicine

I don't like western medicine very much. it aims to earn money more than curing people. but traditional medicine which uses herbs and natural ingredients which has been existing for thousands of years truly care about the patients. most of western medicines don't cure the disease, it just remove the symptoms.
I am not saying western medicine is entirely bad. it has some pros too, but nowadays western medicine targets money. those big pharmaceutical corporations don't really care to cure people. it milks money from people by just treating symptoms. do you know big pharma companies like Novartis, Pfizer,Roche generate more than 1 billion dollars? they suck money from poor people in all over the world.

as an example in western medicine diabetes can not be cured, but with herbs it can be cured. in western medicine cancers can not be cured, but with herbs it can be done. in western medicine certain broken bones can not be repaired without undergoing through expensive surgeries, but in herbs it can be done without spending a lot of money. good foods/vegetables/fruits are medicine too in traditional medicine. western medicine has a solution for above medical problems, but they are not permanent, they are just money sucking solutions. cancer treatments can even kill you.
fireraven23 · 26-30, M
Well yeah, type two Diabetes is curable, but any doctor will tell you that and how to make it better and eventually lead to that cure, no doctor will tell you your type 2 Diabetes is incurable, so in the reference of "non-western medicine can cure Diabetes," it's either an innacurate statement, an overly obvious statement, or outright incorrect depending on what perspective it's coming from.
Also, most of that was meant to go towards the "cures cancer" statements. Not sure what's specifically being referred to, but I know a common "naturopathic treatment" for cancer involves shark fins, and is largely responsible for endangerment of shark species, which hits me personally cause I really love all animals out their, so I'd really like that misinformation to die out, it'd be a start for increasing shark populations at least (not that it's solely responsible, but it's up there)
I can tell you an example. you can call it placebo or whatever. a couple of years ago I had a problem in my knee caps. it hurt a lot when I was walking. at first I didn't want to go to a doctor, because I hate to take pills, but after a couple of days later since I couldn't bear the pain. I went to a doctor. he checked my knee caps and gave me some pills, but it didn't cure my knee caps, then I went to another one. he couldn't even cure it, then my mom told me to go to this doctor who practices the traditional medicine. he gave me some oil, and told me what to do in home.what I have done was massage my knee cap with a soaked blanket with mild hot water, and apply the oil that he gave me, and bandage the knee cap a bit tight, I did it everyday twice per day. after a couple of weeks later. my knee caps were cured. :)
It's a manipulation of the skeletal structure to relieve aches, pains, sometimes even things like migraines. The idea is that misaligned vertebrae can put pressure on nerves leading to problems throughout the body. I think western medicine is so against it because (primarily in the US) there is a culture of pill-popping, and as you say, treating the symptoms of something rather than the cause. A few sessions could potentially cure an issue, therefore denying the drug companies thousands of dollars in revenue...

You should check out a channel on Youtube

The guy is an Australian doctor and really talented :D
fireraven23 · 26-30, M
Yeah, cancer's a tough nut to crack, that's for sure. Not easy on anyone.
Also, you absolutely CAN fool a lot of people like that. It's not as hard as you'd think. And as someone who's lived a life with multiple diseases, this "only know what you can find on the internet" is somewhat insulting. I'd be more insulted if I knew you were aware of my life, so I'm gonna keep it on a small level and inform you that you don't know my life and you shouldn't pretend like you do. I don't know what perspective you're coming from, but to say something simply to "give someone hope" that their illness might be cured by spreading non-truths is... Well, in my opinion, amoral. Whatever though, I've said my deal, I'll shut up now.
The entire diet in the Western world has not adapted to keep up with the change in lifestyle over the past fifty years. Once upon a time big heavy carb-filled meals were needed as people had very physical jobs. Then so many things got automated, people burnt less calories, but didn't eat any less. So, an explosion of obesity... of course it also does not help that so many Western foods are over-processed to a point where the body finds it difficult to break them down efficiently.

I recently changed my eating habits, lost 35lbs in a couple of months, and all from cutting out processed foods. I cook everything from scratch now.
never heard of Chiropractitioners before :( I am sure it might work too. we never know until we try it. nothing wrong with trying. if someone has a medical condition that bothers them for a couple of years, if the usual way doesn't treat it, we can't blame them for going after the alternative medicines. I am sure there might be a lot of medicine types. honestly I don't care the medicine type , west /east or african. if it cures people, I support it. at end of the day the important thing is curing people, not fill the pockets of big companies. finally I want to say I believe herbal medicine, it worked for me multiple times.
There are a lot of herbs/plant extracts etc that have made their way into 'standard' medicine over the years. Digitalis for example from the simple Foxglove. Considering the ancient knowledge lost in so many other areas of society it's no stretch to think that there may still be some uses in herbal medicine. As Stormy stated though, it's the lack of quality control that is the issue, so a lot of fraudulent medicine is out there, and it's that kind of thing that makes the news. No-one wants to hear about good things in the newspapers etc, they would rather read about fraud and failure...

Such is human nature!
I am not spreading misinformation. I said the truth. I think it might be useful to some people, and give them a hope that their medical condition can be cured in oneday. I have seen many white people come here asian countries for traditional medicine. yeah a lot of them in each year. I don't think you can't fool a ton of people like that. I think media doesn't publish the truth, because they are just puppets of those big companies. I don't blame you, you are just a kid. so you might only know what you find in Internet.
Freedomnow01 · 46-50, F
If you think that type 1 diabetes can be cured my herbal medications your are dead wrong! Type 1 happens because the pancreas can't produce insulin it's hereditary!! Type 2 can be controlled with diet alone. Type 1 requires insulin injections to make up for the lack of production by the organ, type 2 does not. It's usually treated by oral medications in people who DONT or WONT control their diet. I have a medics background and what is being posed here is total bs!!!
I didn't mean to offend you, but you have no idea about the traditional medicine. you talk like you know about everything. do you know about the traditional medicine systems in every asian countries? do you know it has been there for thousands of years? when you degrade them it's honestly an insult. I didn't want to argue. I just wanted to express my opinion. well, if you don't believe me. it's up to you. we can agree to disagree always.
fireraven23 · 26-30, M
Okay, I normally don't get involved with stuff like this, but I just feel the need to mention, "all natural/herbal medicine" will NOT cure cancer, Diabetes, broken bones, or many other things, and often lead to people getting improper treatment due to mass false advertising, please do not spread misinformation like that, Diabetes is not something you want to fuck with, and I speak from personal experience here.
:( true. I used to have tinnitus. so I went to a doctor to take medicine. he gave me some tablets after checking my ear.after having it for a couple of days, I felt so drowsy, then I went to another one, and he gave me the same pills. they were specialist doctors in ENT can't say it's their fault. they just do what were taught in the college. there are a lot of side effects in western medicine. so you were right.
well here is the thing. unlike western medicine, a lot of traditional medicines need a proper diet, a good healthy environment and a life style unless they might not work. it's same for some western meds, if you didn't have the aforesaid things, you won't be cured.
I'm not entirely sure a cure for cancer will ever be possible without genetic manipulation. It seems to be like a self-destruct mechanism for the body, a little like Alzheimer's seems to be for the brain, maybe to stop us all living too long...

The problem is when it gets activated far too early :(
traditional medicines don't have a quality control ,many governments don't care to check the licenses of the doctors who practice it, and some governments don't even release a proper license like western medicine. therefore, a lot of frauds happen.
After checking out medication for my grandfather I could not believe the number of side-effects from all the pills he is on, and further pills to clear up the side-effects from other pills...

It's a license to print money.
I am telling you. don't be prejudice or believe whatever the media/other people say. try it ,and then see whether it works for you, and don't forget because of the lack of quality control there are a lot of fraud activities.
Oddly enough I get Tinnitus too, but mine is linked to Labyrinthitis... Nothing that can be done about it, nerve regeneration is currently beyond anyone's medicine :(
There is a similar lack of faith in Chiropractitioners in the West with them being called frauds and quacks. I have seen some amazing things done though, I'd love to visit one myself.
Freedomnow01 · 46-50, F
You obviously don't knownthenpast history of expectancy before modern medicine!!!if you don't plan to live past 50 then go for the herbal way!!!
I think it probably depends on the type and severity of diabetes. A friend of mine is Type 2 Diabetic, but he can manage his by controlling his diet.
Honey is one of the best cures for hay-fever. If you eat honey made from the pollen of the plant/flower that affects you it can build up your immunity to it.
wow I just watched this.
I am impressed. thanks for telling me about this :)
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There is some herbal medicine that merely has a placebo effect though... Tiger penis, rhino horn etc
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yeah ,meditation helps too. :)
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thanks. I will check it. :)
Glad you liked it :D
slavesindee · 61-69, M

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