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I Just Want To Feel That I Am Important To Someone

But that ship has sailed, the chance for new, platonic close bonds is gone. Friendship isn't a priority for most, or even something that is semi-important.

Whenever I've had people in my life, they disappeared when someone better came along, and at this age, they have friends and close bonds, so there would be somebody better than me, I'd add nothing to them, nothing worthwhile anyway, maybe another person to use, like my ex did when she moaned about her new boyfriend.
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I know that feeling. I'm loyal to a fault. But others don't want that. So therefore I'm tossed to the side when something better comes their way. It's how it's always been, and how it will always remain for me.
electropura · 36-40, M
@SW-User Indeed. Although my loyalty is virtually gone, it's a shame but that's how it is.
@electropura I can understand that.

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