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I Believe People Misunderstand Mental Illness

It's something people can't see from the outside, so it's not so important in their eyes. If you have a broken leg or something that's clearly visible and people will be sympathetic with you. But with a mental disability, a lot of people say to just suck it up or that you're just lazy or something like that. And in some cases they think you're just plain crazy, dangerous or an idiot. It's sad that people don't just get to know someone or take the time to read about it before making assumptions.
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Absolutely. The stigma of mental illness too often ruins lives and/or kills people. Two main causes, in my mind:

1. Societies don't typically (but should) seek to ensure all their citizens are reasonably happy, and achieve a sense of worth.

2. The global medical community does not take mental health seriously. People of all ages should be continually (like at least once a year, depending on their history) screened for changes in their stress levels, mood, anxiety, personality, etc. without fear of either not being taken seriously, losing their job if the "secret" gets out, or being locked up.
Exactly well said 👏👏👏
Crazycoral84 · 36-40, M
Biggest problem is the fact that society is more and more about careers, earning lots of money, being better than the other. A lot of stuff that would make people more and more stressed and anxious about themselves which causes a lot of mental illness.
So well said, it is an illness that can not be seen so hence you are just making it up.
Yes I suffer with SA to, unfortunately I don't have any support am divorced with no real friends so am now basically agoraphobic. The last few years have just been a downwards spiral :)
Crazycoral84 · 36-40, M
That really does suck. Well at least i can say that i know how it is. And most importantly, try and think about the positive stuff. Never give up on trying to work on yourself and your condition!
Do you mind if I ask how EMDR was? Do you think it truly helps "reprogram" the negative associations with memories?
Yes. Mental illness is still a taboo today despite of the progress made. I think we all are different too so who knows who is walking around free of issues...we all have them
At least you're not obligated to sympathize back. They forfeited your care when they blatantly dismissed you.
Crazycoral84 · 36-40, M
One of my issues it the fact that i'm always afraid of what people might think of me. That's why i've always been someone who couldn't say no if i actually didn't wanted to do something.... And i can't choose not to care or try to help someone.... it's just not in me. I do know that i should think more about myself, but i'm working on it.
I agree people with mental health "issues" are always stigmatised and judged. And because it's so hidden and not spoken off people often have there own preconceptions and often label us "crazy" I just wish there was more app for people with mental illness to go to without being judged.
Yea I know x

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