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Has anyone noticed online racism has increased recently?

Considering what has been happening in the world I would have assumed we're starting to change for the better. but I've noticed more and more people have problems with mixed-race relationships.

I've even had (insecure) men question me about having an african friend in my profile picture - to the point I'm considering just removing my face all together.
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annamk · 26-30, F
Someone else put this better already further down but I think because on the whole thete is LESS racism (talking of the UK), it appears that much more obvious - it gets called out, and because of social media, massively exposed and receives a bigger backlash and attention. It's like the rock to hide under is smaller now, where there are less of them it is easier to see. I don't like the witch-hunt or thought police claiming racism so easily though, it undermines a real issue. I think since BLM in the US, it has got worse in the UK and a problem has been caused where there wasn't one before. I keep seeing the question asked 'is the UK a racist country', and the answer is of course not. Are there people with racist views? Yes, but even then not so many as people would claim. I am in London which is the most diverse place in the country, the vast majority of people get on fine and don't pay the tiniest bit of attention to what colour someone is. It's only recently that it has been put at the front of everyone's mind, and not for better.
@annamk there is not less racism in the UK. It is still very prevalent. If is more overt since Brexit but all you need to look at is facilities/health care/schools in areas which are more populated by ethnic minorities.
annamk · 26-30, F
@InOtterWords Look at them for what?
@annamk look st the access that ethnic minorities have to health care and education. You will see it is not equal.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords ... i see what your get'n @, i agree, ethnic minorities are on a whole more racist than whites because of this all pervaiding nonsense that it is impossible that an ethnic minority to be racist, DON'T take my word for it, just look at the LAW and you'll see it's FACT
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords "...not equal ..." 🤔 so how have we got - out of all proportion to their percentage in society - more ethnic minority doctors and nurses etc etc
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@annamk ...i was talking to an idiot on here who was claiming Trump was a 'racist', the 'discussion' developed until he was losing the argument, he then called me a 'racist' - {that's what happens when Liberals are losing the argument, they call you racist - based on NO evidence whatsoever ... it's a technique used by Liberals in the hope of embarrassing people into shutting up and to close down the argument} when i pointed out to this idiot that i have MORE ethnic minority friends - at work and in private than i have white -he then called me a CLOSET racist - NO, i'm NOT joking - that is the mentality of people nowadays, even if FACTS are presented to them, they ignore them if it goes against THEIR narrative
@BigGuy2 how on earth did you conclude that ethnic minorities are more racist than whites from what i have said?

Treatment of ethnic minorities is not of the same level, an example would be the number of black women who die in child birth is far greater than any other race. A similar pattern can be seen in treatment for cancers, wait times for hip operations etc.

Btw, Trump is incredibly racist and has been all his life, but then if you think I am claim ethnic minorities are more racist than whites I think maybe your level of understanding is a bit hampered.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords nope, by LAW we can't be racist ... how on Earth is more black people dying in child birth racist, doctors at least have to abude by the Hippocratic Oath and nurses have a worry of being sued if they don't abide by that same Oath
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords i've forgotten MORE about racist issues, than you'll ever know and if you THINK Trump is racist, it shows your level of mentality
@BigGuy2 people do not always act within the law though do they. And in Britain we do not have that litigation culture where nurses get used.

Let me ask you what you think racism means?
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords you are a classic 'race baiter' if that's your mind set of the way things are run
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords prejudice/ descrimination against a group not of your ethnic background
@BigGuy2 btw... Trump lost
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords yep, because he wasn't cheating ... i suggest you watch 'Officer Tatum' or 'Candace Owens' on YouTube
@BigGuy2 moreover it is the structural oppression of a minority group through government legislation, cultural norms, mediscrepresentation, the belief that people of one race are superior to another.
@BigGuy2 he lost
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords ...oh right, so, at present, there is more ethnic minorities OVER REPRESENTATION in the media and EVERYWHERE in proportion to their size in society so that makes it a racist society does it ...

🤔 ... 'white superiority' the new buzz word used by Liberals when they can't find any evidence if racism 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords "he lost"

... ah, so your subconsciously admitting that it's the winning that counts, not HOW you win
@BigGuy2 he lost, by a lot

And you have no concept of what racism is.

Trump was a racist, he lost, every judge said he lost. He also had the highest American civilian death count of any president.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords ...oh right, i've no concept of what racism is have i, i suggest you type in the definition of racism in Google then get back to me
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords ... highest civilsin death rate ... 🤔 let's see, 67 deaths caused by the BLM/Antifa riots, all those deaths were HIS fault were they
@BigGuy2 they were under his presidency
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@InOtterWords about being 'brainwashed' - i'll put it in context for you - CNN News, which is a Liberal mouthpiece, Cuomo stated on air, "where does it say that protests have to be peaceful" ... Don Lemon, criticised the riots NOT because {at the time of him saying it there were 60 deaths}, he critcised the riots when it was found the Democrats were doing bad at the opinion poles ... let that sink in for a second ... the official News or Liberal viewpoint is that they were on a whole 'peaceful' protests even though 60 deaths happened, but when poles go against Liberals they say rioting is bad