Why do people say 80s was the best time to grow up to me a kid/teenager?
It isn’t fair! I was born in late 2002. I saw a lot of comments about that and they said the 80s was the best time for music, fashion and whatever. Some people say, “For those of you who didn’t get to really experience the 80s....y’all really missed out!!! I felt bitter. Some people born in the late 80s said they envy those who got to experience the 80s. Even my sister who was born in 1987 said she even wished she sometimes experienced the 80s. My brother got to experience some of it and he was born in 1983. He’s so lucky. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
It’s not my fault that I was born in 2002.
It’s not my fault that I was born in 2002.