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I Just Realized

My friend just told me that the reason that the women I have been pursuing (IRL for relationships) haven't been working out because they're not my type

I asked her what my type is, and she told me my type is the "sweet innocent virgin type"

Apparently she can usually tell just by looking at pictures, and those were always the girls that I liked the most and was fascinated by even though I didn't actually know they were virgins (she insists she can tell)

Thinking back, that's what I always wanted, but I decided that I wasn't worthy of what I really wanted and tried for something else

I'm gentle and loving, scary strong but a protector and not a danger, and want a deep bond of love, absolutely adore when a woman is clingy because she really likes me, totally love being playful and I like to be old fashioned

Would a woman of that type ever give me a chance? Looking deep down, that really is what I want


I totally just realized, the type of women that I like best really do like me, I just live in the US where there's not a lot of innocence left, a lot of that type that are too young liked me (off the table because I'm not willing to meeting Bubba in prison), women from countries where abstinence until marriage is common liked me, and the few times I got to know a sweet innocent virgin that was of age and lived near to me I felt like I wasn't good enough and I was terrified out of my mind thinking I would get hurt or mess up because I didn't feel good enough and knew I would fall in love too hard to fast

It all makes sense now, I'm sure I'll meet one again, I just need to realize that they do actually like me (always have until I blew it) and not be afraid, not worry about being good enough and just treat them well, and it will work out
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She can't tell a virgin from a non virgin 😂
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User I'm not sure, but it did make sense that the ones that I took the most interest in exude purity, and that they would be more likely to be

I was confused as can be when she said I was a failure as a man if I can't tell which women are can anyone really tell that?

I don't know, I'm going to have to claim ignorance there
@th3r0n I think all men would prefer a virgin but life doesn't work like that 🙄
brian29715 · 46-50, M
@SW-User I don’t know that I’d like the inexperiencedness of a virgin at this point in my life.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User I know I would, but in my experience talking to other guys and what I've been told by several virgins, it seems that not that many guys actually do prefer a virgin

Personally I would be thrilled beyond words to marry one, I'd be excited just to have a formal date with such a pure woman even
@SW-User Not me, experience is very attractive i think.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User yes I've noticed that most men who are looking for sex actually prefer experience

I'm looking for sweetness and cuddles and love, and hopefully marriage, so I have different priorities

If I get married, the wife and I would have plenty of time to learn each other and every last thing that makes each other happy and feel good
@th3r0n I guess what i mean is that i'm interested in someone with a similar level of experience to me, as opposed to someone with none. It sounds like you are too and that makes sense.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User well, I've had sex with two women in my life, and while one of those was very, very good, intimate, and long lasting, I consider it a mistake to have ever had sex before marriage and wish I hadn't.

I was engaged to a woman named Melanie, and I got my experience approximately ten hours at a time every chance we got, but even though I enjoyed it to extremes, I would have preferred to have done things right and not have fallen short of the glory of God in yet another way
@th3r0n 10 hours at a time? 😂😂😂
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User yeah...I was 23 and in the best shape I had ever been, and with little interruption (literally only bathroom breaks and a few minutes anytime we got overheated with the AC on when it was like 25 degrees outside), we were both extremely in love and very horny...and went wild and when my body wanted to stop, I still didn't...

It's not that I don't have a strong sex drive, I just have a lot of self control and reasons strong enough to choose to wait for marriage now
@th3r0n omg I don't believe this tall tale. If it was true you could be the poster child for Viagra. There is no one on God's green Earth that can have sex for 10 hours I don't care how horny you are. 🙄
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User hah best friend is a woman and told me how her and her ex used to go for 14+ hours, I'm not even at the top of the class dear, not that I could necessarily even do now what I did when I was 23
Lostpoet · M
@th3r0n You's a vego dude just admit it.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet no friend, I would quickly admit that with glory, I sincerely wish that I was, it's to my shame that I fell short years ago, though it's been around 14 years and I never will again until I'm married
Lostpoet · M
@th3r0n You might get married sooner if you didn't talk like that.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet I'm all for advice, but specifics are needed for it to be useful

I will tell you that everything I've said is 100% true
@th3r0n if your erection lasts longer than 4 hours—even if it's not painful—seek medical help right away 😑
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User I don't think it was more than 4 hours without any brief breaks lmao but we didn't so much stop as do what we had to quickly and get back to it
Lostpoet · M
@th3r0n 🤷🏼‍♂️k
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet so what do you mean talk "like that"

I really do want to get married
Lostpoet · M
@th3r0n Let me "pontificate" it for you!😁
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet so I speak too stiffly and complex? While I really really do want to get married, I want a woman to want me for me, if it was something I did to sound smart I would give it up, but unless I'm talking to someone I don't think will understand I speak how I think, and as sad as it would be if I die alone, I think I would prefer that over getting a woman by acting like someone that I'm not
@Lostpoet bhahahaha😂
Lostpoet · M
@th3r0n Where are you from that people talk like you?
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User do I even want to know why you're laughing at me now? I know it's kinda pathetic someone who wants to get married dying alone, but I'm prepared for the possibility and I've made peace with it